I am not a uncyclist, so please bear with this clueless newbie :-=(
I have recently purchased a 20" uni for my nieces n’ nephew. The oldest is 12
yrs old. I had read earlier that a smaller wheel was advised for children. At
the time of purchase it seemed that the bike shops had only 2 sizes available
(20" & 24"). My brother-in- law said that the kids where taking a good stab at
it. I don’t want to see them get frustrated and give up due to their Uncle’s
ignorance. Any/all interjections sought.
Please, what “how to” video would be advisable/best for this age group (kids).
Futhermore, is anyone aware of uni-groups in the Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA area?
I believe the children’s interest would be heightened w/exposure to unicycles
in action.
Thank you for your indugence,
Mr. Filthy McNasty ............. out
Re: Getting Kids Started?
My daughters both learned to ride this year. The older, 9 years old, rides a 20"
with a short post. The younger, 6 years old, rides a 16". They learned indoors
(we have terazzo floors, much smoother than pavement
and now go most anywhere they want. They learned to freemount after
watching a video we got through the Unicycling Society of America called
“Unicycle” by Corlin Productions. It is not an instructional video by design,
but watching different riders helped them figure it out.
They learned mainly by flinging themselves into the dining room from my bedroom
doorframe. They soon managed to get to the table without falling, then across to
the bar. After about 2 weeks they could ride outdoors. They don’t go to school,
so they spent a lot of time practicing - everytime they walked through the room.
They are a neighborhood circus, riding up and down the streets. They never get
the bikes out anymore.
We got our uni’s from Tom Miller. We have three now, and are very pleased with
them. We take them along in the car, and they will even fit in the plane
(something we couldn’t do with the bikes).
We looked for unicyclists in our area, too. I thought they would need that to
stay interested. It doesn’t seem to have mattered
What a great gift! I got my uni for Mother’s Day
Mary Marlowe phishes@pbfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us
On Sun, 9 Jun 1996, Filthy McNasty wrote:
> I have recently purchased a 20" uni for my nieces n’ nephew. The oldest is 12
> yrs old. I had read earlier that a smaller wheel was advised for children. At
> the time of purchase it seemed that the bike shops had only 2 sizes available
> (20" & 24"). My brother-in- law said that the kids where taking a good stab at
> it. I don’t want to see them get frustrated and give up due to their Uncle’s
> ignorance. Any/all interjections sought.
> Please, what “how to” video would be advisable/best for this age group (kids).
> Futhermore, is anyone aware of uni-groups in the Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA area?
> I believe the children’s interest would be heightened w/exposure to unicycles
> in action.
> Thank you for your indugence,
> Mr. Filthy McNasty … out