Getting Back into Unicycling

Hey Everyone! Most of you probably don’t remember me, but I was pretty active on this forum a while back. I took a long break from street unicycling, but now I want to get back into it :slight_smile:

I have a broken CX, and a pretty new DX. I can 180 uni spin, jump up and down curbs, and I’m learning to go backwards.

Anyways, just wanted to say hi :smiley:

Hello, wise choice coming back. :slight_smile:

Tomahawk!!! Yay you’re back!!!

I remember you announcing your unicycling retirement. Welcome back!

I remember that too. I also remember tobbogonist writing he was going to stop after a post reaching. :smiley:

I remember you!

The prodigal son returns! (Metaphorically speaking ;))

Welcome back! Unicycling is something you just can’t give up. :slight_smile:

You must have gone through hell to get off uni, good that your back though :slight_smile:

Don’t know you, but welcome back!