Getting back into longboarding

I’m getting back into longboarding after wanting one a long time ago. I’ll be ordering one soon for cruising, carving, bombing, etc., and here’s my setup:

Sector 9 Austria Supercruiser deck
Randall R-II 180mm trucks
70mm 78a Flashbacks wheels
IDS OUST Abec 5 bearings

All for $162 shipped from Daddie’s Board Shop.

Post pics of y’alls and tell about your setup!

Your new set up sounds sweeeeeeet! Gonna be a great all round ride for you fo shore!

Yo, been skating for a little while myself. Here’s a pic of a few of my rides.

Wow, I’ve seen you on Silverfish! Cool to match you up, what a coincidence! The name’s Tyco on those forums.

where do you get your longboarding stuff?

Those boards are long…

Tyler you and your toys.

My boss has alot of old long boards , some of the actual dogtown boards and such

What? Do you mean you’re getting back into wanting a longboard? How do you get back into longboarding if you didn’t longboard before? …so you’re getting back into posing? :thinking:

nice man, I’ve always thought longboarding would be an awesome way to get around.

Dude, you are 28 years old and relentlessly pick on a what 12 year old? Get over your hang-up.


Hey yeah, good to ‘put a face to a name’ as it were. :slight_smile:

I don’t think I’ve seen you post much on the 'fish Tyler but maybe that’s cause you’ve been out of skating for a while. Well do let us know how things go with your new board.

My thoughts exactly. Maestro, you need a new act.


I was thinking the exact same thing as Maestro…it’s not just because he’s 12, it’s because his statement didn’t make a whole lot of sense, as Maestro (I wish I knew your name) pointed out.

I’m with Maestro on this one…the way he worded that was pretty screwed up

im with maestro

It’s time for some investigative reporting, kids!

That statement, combined with the evidence that he used to be a regular poster at what can be reasonably assumed is a longboarding forum, leads this reporter to believe that:

  1. UniTyler has previously possessed a longboard, his purchase brought on by a past desire to enter into the sport of longboarding.
  2. That he is getting a new one after an extended period of absence from said sport.


UniTyler: correct me if my investigative reporting is wrong… The world needs to know THE TRUTH!

I always thought longboarding was really cool, I used to love to loosen my trucks and carve down big hills. The only thing that I don’t like about longboards is the difficulty to ollie. Right now I have a skull skates deck that is about two or three inchs longer than normaly but about 3 inchs wider than normal and I got some indie trucks that are just as wide. It’s awesome, I can do all the things you do on a normal skateboard but it handles very similarly to a longboard (minus the flex).

Gentlemen, with all due respect, BITE ME :wink:

Yup, totally. I don’t know what kind of satisfaction you get out of constantly picking on me, Maestro, but it had better stop. Now, end of meanishness! :smiley:

yeah i stopped time you did too maestro!

Sticks and stones may break my bones…and so will…crowbars…