I’m getting back into longboarding after wanting one a long time ago. I’ll be ordering one soon for cruising, carving, bombing, etc., and here’s my setup:
What? Do you mean you’re getting back into wanting a longboard? How do you get back into longboarding if you didn’t longboard before? …so you’re getting back into posing?
Hey yeah, good to ‘put a face to a name’ as it were.
I don’t think I’ve seen you post much on the 'fish Tyler but maybe that’s cause you’ve been out of skating for a while. Well do let us know how things go with your new board.
I was thinking the exact same thing as Maestro…it’s not just because he’s 12, it’s because his statement didn’t make a whole lot of sense, as Maestro (I wish I knew your name) pointed out.
That statement, combined with the evidence that he used to be a regular poster at what can be reasonably assumed is a longboarding forum, leads this reporter to believe that:
UniTyler has previously possessed a longboard, his purchase brought on by a past desire to enter into the sport of longboarding.
That he is getting a new one after an extended period of absence from said sport.
UniTyler: correct me if my investigative reporting is wrong… The world needs to know THE TRUTH!
I always thought longboarding was really cool, I used to love to loosen my trucks and carve down big hills. The only thing that I don’t like about longboards is the difficulty to ollie. Right now I have a skull skates deck that is about two or three inchs longer than normaly but about 3 inchs wider than normal and I got some indie trucks that are just as wide. It’s awesome, I can do all the things you do on a normal skateboard but it handles very similarly to a longboard (minus the flex).
Yup, totally. I don’t know what kind of satisfaction you get out of constantly picking on me, Maestro, but it had better stop. Now, end of meanishness!