you could do what i do when the doctor tells me something is wrong… Go BLAH BLAH BLAH and do it anyway…
but retrospect i probably have more scares then i should…
should take up rock climbing as well… good for the back
you could do what i do when the doctor tells me something is wrong… Go BLAH BLAH BLAH and do it anyway…
but retrospect i probably have more scares then i should…
should take up rock climbing as well… good for the back
We’re sorry. This thread is for anger, stress and frustration. I get a little frustrated by people who get pissed off when someone else cuts off their own hair. Did he have an agreement with you to keep the dreads or something? Then I can see being pissed. Live in the UK and drink too much? Then I can also see being pissed.
i get piss off at people that get pissed off at people who cut there hair.
John, don’t belittle this situation. Any time someone cuts off his or her dreadlocks, there exists a little less light in the world.
Redundant perpetual threads cause anger/stress/frustation in me.
I thought he said he was light-headed…
I get angry when someone you thought was a friend goes around telling people you did things that you really didn’t do.
A person recently came into my happy life and since then I’ve lost three [very close] friends and some authorities might be consdering me as a suspect for a recent arson fire in my area. How messed up is that?
When I first met him he couldn’t stop talking about how cool the unicycling thing was. He went around telling everyone about me. Then he started telling people I was a drinker. Then he told people I was a stoner. Then he told beople I was a sex offender and made fake (pretty real looking) posters warning people that I was a registered sex offender. Now he’s telling people I’m an arsonist and that he saw me set a bridge on fire. That bridge really was set on fire, and they know it was arson. Now three of my friends are taking his side and I’m left as a possible arson suspect.
Also he seems to have changed his opinion on unicycling since he started all this. Now when I (angrily) consult him about what he’s doing, all he can say is, “Yeah… well… you need another wheel!”.
Honestly. He said that.
My life is pretty F’d up right now.
wow that really does suck lol if it matters i believe you
The fact that it’s all true really sucks. I’d love it if it were fake, lol!
If your nostrils stink like flatulence, move to a different location and see if they still smell it.
You are a happily married man, stay away from Ms. A – she’s trouble, unless you need help with your papers.
Suppose he cut off his hand or his foot? Or his head?
Where exactly do you draw the line, John?
I hadn’t really thought about it. I suppose I draw the line at things that can grow back, but I can’t see being pissed at Van Gogh either. He probably needed psychiatric help, not people getting pissed at him.
My rim got a flat spot.
If somone could PM me some reccomendations and information on a good strong trials rim and spokes it would be much appreciated.
Most of my frustration is OK. Surgery tomorrow and insurance so far is still OK. Exams done. And I got to practice on my uni today before it rained!
I’m frustated because i didn’t get 88½ cm side hop just after i landed 84 cm, and i practiced 88½ in FIVE WHOLE MINUTES ±.
No, not really.
I can’t believe our new 09 altima got hit the other day…she’s not even a month old…to us…
Ha I think I got you beet for “car getting hit early in ownership”
I bought a Jeep on October 20th and on the night of October 31st a guy rammed into it with his VW totaling off both vehicles. I was living in it at the time, it was a hell of a way to get woken up
I have been fighting with the insurance companies ever since. Saskatchewan resident with Quebec plates hit in New Brunswick makes it all sort of complicated. The worst part is that my 36er was on the back and got smushed
awww man!! that sucks huge moose bawls!! dang!!!
im frustrated because i cant remember my pin number for my credit card :( and it turns out that i have to drive like 2 hours to the nearest bank
because there isnt any where im living yet and im also so upset that im still not done moving for lake park GA to riverside Jacksonville and im also sad that learning a second language has to be so hard lol i knew it would be but it still sucks and that really sucks about your car
Crap car crashes suck! SOrry!!
Just to say stress level is going DOWN for me. My arm is DONE!!