get out your anger/stress/frustation

i did around 10 searches or so and i didn’t find anything so i thought i would make it this thread it is to talk about your problem with anything if you had a bad day say it if you don’t like something that happened lets hear it if there is anything that is bugging you about anything go for it the main objective of this thread is to get your anger/stress/frustration out sorry if this kind of thing is already around but i couldn’t find it so yeah also please respect one an other and i hope this helps :smiley:

i’m pissed because a month ago i tried to do a nose manual on my board without a helmet and hit the ground really hard and now i’m too chicken to get back on. :angry: :(…but i did take up the uni so at least i got some of my girl points back…:slight_smile:

what does this generation have against punctuation and formatting i just don’t understand how someone can string all their thoughts into one giant wall of text and throw it up onto a message board and expect people to wade through it to find some sort of meaning especially when they include all sorts of superfluous interjections like “so yeah” and :):smiley: :sunglasses: i mean what are we supposed to do with emoticons in the middle of a sentence are they just there for decoration or is there some information they’re supposed to convey perhaps i’m not seeing the bigger picture like these people aren’t seeing the periods commas and other punctuation keys on their keyboard i mean i can understand the period is usually covered up by my hand when i type but the enter key is huge you gotta have hams for fists if you can’t see that thing whoa man

grammar natzi -A person correcting others on spelling/grammar mistakes when it isn’t the time or place for language lectures.

But i guess its the get out your anger/stress/frustration thread so be it…

You’re in an online forum. It’s always the time or place for language lectures.

Kind of like when it’s a good idea to wear a helmet while and when it isn’t?

You skateboard too or longboard? I want to get a longboard because not really into the flip tricks and I want to do dance longboarding I think too lol. Or just surf on it.

I’m pissed that my insurance is canceling on me and they might not pay this next surgery if they cancel before its paid. Plus I need a surgery on my elbow to get more ROM so I can talk on the phone and put my earrings in. :angry: I’m mad if they cancel cause then I cant ride bowls with my rolllerskates but thats why I started uni! Not as far to fall lol. Its also very fun and challenging! So that helps…

Also got an exam tonight…grrrrrr, teacher grades on his mood. This sucks unless he is in a good mood. I have a presentation.

just a regular skateboard, im not into all those fancy tricks, my son wanted to skateboard so we all took it up for him. i like the uni better.

sorry to hear about your insurance company…

I believe it is “dont, theyre, im, arent, and cant.”

I would love to complain but I really have nothing to be mad about, I guess I could rant about the anti-theft system malfunctioning on my truck…

I’m not one for complaining.

I’m really pissed off that saskatchewanian cut off his dreads.

Haha! I was thinking about saying that when I saw his post.:stuck_out_tongue:

I am really mad that it is so hard to move to a different country. I think if you want to move somewhere that you should be able to without having to get a residents visa. Then every year you have to get it renewed just seems like a bit to much of a hassle just to move somewhere.

I’m sorry, this belongs in the Gallery of Castigation thread.

I’m sorry. This belongs in the General Complaint Thread or the things to curse thread.

LOL, I know you searched hard! But we have threads for just about everything (even [THREAD=69621]defecation[/THREAD]). It’s takes a Mountain to come up with a unique topic these days.

I believe the correct term is “Grammar Nazi”, dear, and it’s always the time or place for language lectures. I can understand why someone might fail to capitalize the “I” when refering to themselves, but leaving out the apostrophe when “it’s” is being used as a contraction for “it is”, well, there’s just no excuse for that.


Every day cute little animals get squished by cars and I can do nothing about it. It makes me very sad. I’m frustrated that Miss Ayelery shrugs off my tender and sincere advances like a beaver sheds water from its pelt. That also makes me very sad. Sometimes my nostrils stink and that is very upsetting. I’m helpless to avert this affliction. My life, as you can see, is a horror story of annoyances and conflicts.

If i start to name everything that annoys me, i’ll be here all day.
Now not typing them is annoying me :angry:


I am also annoyed that i really can not go full out when I unicycle because I have a bad back. I have weak ligaments and if I do to much I cant do anything for about a week I really hate it. and the sad thing is that I am 17 and I have been told that my back isn’t going to get any better just worse as time goes on :frowning:

i dont not agree… :roll_eyes: ;):smiley: :sunglasses: :astonished: