My new (first) avatar… Who likes it? Do you get it? Get a prize if you explain it correctly to others (not you Dave, you already know).
Hanging a fish?
Che Guevarra with Bart simpson on his chest…
Is the Simpsons having some sort of Revolucion???
Is it…
it is pretty funny tho
Something about how Che’s face is plastered around everywhere now, like Bart Simpsons’.
Edit: See there is even a banner ad advertising a Che store above. Theres tons a kids in my school with Che shirts and they don’t even know who he is.
Yeah, that’s funny. Nice one.
That’s because google does the ads. Google does a little scan of what’s been said or is just on the page in here and puts an ad relating to what we are talking about. Since most of the time it sees some sort of word about unicycle it puts unicycle links which we dont think twice about.
and now there’s a movie coming out so it’ll only get worse
i’ve been toying with a design/collage for a while now
it’s based on Warhol’s 4squares of Marilyn poster, but instead of using the same face, it uses four different faces
all in that two tone, sillhouette style that made Che’s face so famous on T-shirts
using his face as one quadrant, Morrisson’s as another and the famous line drawing self-portrait by John Lennon as a third, i just need one more face that will a) idealogically fit in with those three (it’s pretty broad so it shouldn’t be too difficult)and b) be recognisable when reproduced in that style
attached are the three pics i have in mind
and may be the fourth
ps. kewl new avatar, Andrew
number 2
number 3
and maybe number 4?
Yeah I knew that but I never knew that there was actually a “Che Store”.
For Gild, thats a great shirt idea (I think you said shirt?) I just wish I knew more about that era. What about Joplin, Dylan, or Hendrix? Not sure if they really fit in, I can only think of musicians right now. If it is a shirt and you do get it done post pictures please.
haha yeah I didnt know there was one either. Now adays though there’s a store for everything.
Pfft, I know. I mean there are even unicycle stores. Who’d a thunk it?
haha yeah that what I thought when I did a google search after I got my first unicycle. I was like whaa?? a whole store dedicated to selling just unicycles? Awesome!
You guys pretty much got it with the irony and such. I’m tired from rugby, so you fight it out as to who gets the prize. Well, If I feel energetic before I get off, I’ll let you all have the prize.
Here’s your prize… Enjoy
Has anyone seen the shirt with Che’s face on it, and then underneath it says" I have no idea who the hell this is" ? Those are hillarious.