First time to introduce the proxy chain technology, GetAnonymous allows you stand behind multiple proxies. This provides you with more protection and privacy than ever. GetAnonymous not only allows you to use a proxy chain, but also control the length of this chain. You can set timing to end the connection with the proxy servers if they stop responding. GetAnonymous provides you with a fresh list
Now you can keep your personal information private. Surf without being checked by anyone else. Shop safely online. Obtain maximum privacy as you download pictures, movies, programs, and music. Remain Invisible at all times disallowing advertisers to track you down.
You get the advantage of staying Anonymous when chatting Online on ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger ….Plus many more
I’m rather impressed someone went to the effort of signing up just to post rubbish like that…
Phil, you are too easily impressed.
Ooo, Glutes, have you been working out?