German Geneticist-Scientists Working to Create "Humanized" Talking Mice

A Human Language Gene Changes the Sound of Mouse Squeaks

Published: May 28, 2009
…Svante Paabo, in whose laboratory the mouse was engineered, promised several years ago that when the project was completed, “We will speak to the mouse.” Dr. Gary Marcus, who studies language acquisition at New York University, said “It would have been truly spectacular if they had wound up with a talking mouse.”

In a region of the brain called the basal ganglia, known in people to be involved in language, the humanized mice grew nerve cells that had a more complex structure. Baby mice utter ultrasonic whistles when removed from their mothers. The humanized baby mice, when isolated, made whistles that had a slightly lower pitch, among other differences, Dr. Enard says.

People have a deep desire to communicate with animals, as is evident from the way they converse with their dogs, enjoy myths about talking animals or devote lifetimes to teaching chimpanzees how to speak. A delicate, if tiny, step has now been taken toward the real thing: the creation of a mouse with a human gene for language.

The thing you have to wonder is, once we teach it to speak how the hell will we get it to shut up?

and can you imagine the cursing and threats if one got caught in a glue trap?

Now several have escaped from the laboratory, and may begin mating with house mice :astonished: :astonished:

The right to marry! No, not gay marriage! Once animals can talk, humans will “fall in love” with their mouse/goat/dog/moose and demand equal marriage rights.

Mice are people, too!


“I think, you know, freedom means freedom for everyone,” Cheney said in a speech at the National Press Club. “I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish, any kind of arrangement they wish.”

gay thread already?

gay thread already?

Where’d you get gay? I was playing along with the human/mouse union theme… :thinking:

I heard you can catch the gay from watching too many Tom Cruise films, but then again, I hear a lot of things.

Dang, and all this time I thought unicycling was the best way to feel gay!

You’re close. You’re forgetting the pink bodysuit.

This reminds me of

Isn’t that the problem with any kind of genetic manipulation? It will get loose. That’s why they should stop tampering with our food supply.

As long as they keep it ultrasonic…