Up for re-election this November, George Allen is the incumbent senator from Virginia. The chatter says he might be a Republican candidate for president in 2008. So I’ll introduce him here through his youtube clips:
Macaca is a racial slur. The camera man he’s calling out is dark skinned. I don’t think Allen would actually head-up a lynch mob, but then he does kind of have a creepy good ol’ boy persona (No doubt a political creation, he draws his speech a little more when he’s in southwest Virginia and ebbs while in NoVa, he’s actually Californian, so I don’t know why the heritage ploy is such a big deal to him).
This was just really out of place. I saw the debate on C-Span and was a little perplexed by the nature of this question, which seems to have a viscous connontation on the reporters part, but then afterwards it seems Allen was genuinely angry at the suggestion that he might be Jewish, and to his credit, 43 white Christian presidents would hint at the politics behind that anger.
Most of you aren’t from Virginia so I thought you’d be interested in the candidates we’re fielding here. A few other names to look out for:
John Warner, former Democratic govenor and the kind of centrist the National Democratic Party likes to run for president. His Liutenant Govenor, now the state’s current Govenor, Tim Kaine, gave the Democratic rebutal to George Bush’s last State of the Union Address. They’re liberal conservatves at best, but if anyone remembers Jerry Kilgore and his twin brother Terry Kilgore…
Finally Rep. Eric Cantor, he had a taste of the Abramoff scandal, not enough to convict, but he’s still young and the Republican National Party has been grooming him for party leadership. He’ll climb the ranks eventually as the 7th district is a lock for the bourgeoisie.
Thanks to everyone on the forums, the unicycling vote obviously holds quite a bit of sway in Virginia politics- George Allen Lost - and the people rejoice. A dramatic recreation of events can be seen below:
It’s unlikely that the contested and uncounted votes, disenfranchised minorities and military personel, will swing 7000 votes to the Republican candidate.
Thanks for running phones, we all wish that we’d done more.
I think you mean Mark Warner. John Warner is the other VA Senator, and a conservative Republican.
I like close races, I really feel like my vote made a difference. But it’s definately a bittersweet moment here in VA. On the “sweet” side, Allen is outed, but on the “bitter” side, VA has jumped on the saddest political bandwagon in recent years by amending our frickin’ constitution to ban same-sex marriages, which, A) were already illegal, and B) makes a mockery of the state that pioneered religious freedom.
If I were a Christian (and I am), and I believed that “marriage” is a sacred bond between one man, one woman, and God (which I don’t), I’d be more offending that the gov’t wanted to put their stamp on my religious idea of marriage. Man, woman, God…and gov’t? Of course faith communities are always free to not perform same-sex marriages. I say civil unions for all, and let people (or faith communities) make of marriage what they will. But then, no one asked this liberal Christian. End rant.
Threadjack: That would have been Rhode Island founded by Roger Williams. A state founded on the principles of religious freedom which as far back as the 17th century was a sanctuary for Baptists, Quakers, and Jews, and where stands the first synagogue of the colonies. Also, by the way, the first colony to outlaw slavery in 1652.
As a side note: The marriage amendment also removed the protections of civil unions. This affects cases of domestic abuse in which unmarried women will no longer have full access to services under the law…
I believe your church (UU) is now teaching an on-line course covering the Feminist Muslim and Gay Muslim perspective (very pricey $ ). I wonder if they sent representatives to the big Feminist Muslim conference in Barcelona, happening now…
That level of inhibition is the cause of your discomfort.
What the hell are you DOING with THAT group??! Go to the GLGBT UU, where the MEN dance in leotards while the WOMEN drum! Or the gay feminist Muslim mosque.
ANyway, I’m sure it’s not the dance you don’t like, so much as the inability to HOOT at the women dancing, when you feel so inspired.
That level of inhibition is the cause of your discomfort.
I say: Let it out! Be yourself, no matter what they say (Sting–An Englishman in NY) Don’t forget who you are (You’re a R&R star–Patty Smith)