Genesis revisited

For those people not wanting to read about the bible in Rec.Sport.Unicycling…

Yes, the fifth day of creation was sea, sky and earth creatures. I had typing momentum going there.

Regarding my use of ellipses, I didn’t type “…” in important parts, I typed “…” during parts not so important to the story and since I’m not the fastest typist in the world it saved me a couple of minutes.

As for the contradiction in the 2 stories: first version, man is made AFTER the vegetation, animals, birds and fish. Also in that version, God made various men and women, plural, at the same time. In the “Adam and Eve” version, man is made BEFORE trees and animals. Also, only one man was made, and later one woman.

My only point being, the bible is supposed to be the word of God spoken in the ears of men, that explains the differing styles of writing. But contradicting stories?

Here’s the answer: Link

Please take time to read it with an open mind.:slight_smile:

You can’t really take scripture out of the Bible without reading the context around it. Which this might not be the case in this situation but thats what most proffesors do. They will take one or two sentences and try to take stuff from it. You got to read the context around the senteces.

I just read Genesis, Exodus, Matthew, and Luke for AP English. I didn’t see any blatant contradictions.

Exactly, a rather amusing example of this I picked up on last night:

Exodus 36 describes the construction of a Tabernacle, but if you just take Exodus 36:29, you get this:

They were making 2 unicycle frames? But it only looks this way out of context.


I am totally cool with that. It speaks to my point exactly, that the bible wasn’t written just yesterday in our language, therefore any modern person’s interpretation isn’t necessarily what the author intended.