Gender of a Unicycle

We have a hilarious thread going on the gender of the computer, and that has inspired me to ponder the gender of the unicycle.

For instance, the unicycle has some female qualities:

*If you don’t pay attention while you are riding it, you wind up getting hurt.

*It oftens leaves you sore in the groin.

But it also has some male qualities:

*It seldom stays between your legs as long as you want it to.

*If you want to control it, you have to put pressure in the right places.

Please feel free to add to the list.

For both sexes:

*They can often be quite dirty… and some people like them that way.

We can do this people–just put your creative caps on, activate those funny bones, and see what you can come up with.

Unicycles are male in gender because they are content to stay in the garage most of the time.

This should also be made into a poll:
I vote F:
To be able to ride them, you gotta commit…

For both:
Not the most efficient but gives you immense pleasure(and you really don’t know why)…

It’s gotta be female, 'cause I wouldn’t ride anything else.

Haha…I was thinking exactly that…especially since I spend more time with my uni than any (other) femme…

He beat me to it too. :slight_smile:


Unicycle gender?

I would say that this is very induvidual. My Qu-Ax is, no doubt, a she. Can’t argue for it better than you guys, though, because most arguments I could think of are already used.

Is Gilby’s account hacked? Ha has these frivolous responses the last few days, quite unlike his usual self.

Klaas Bil

well my uni is a she, it wont stop grabbing me… if you knwo what i mean, i have a cx saddle, put it together

mines a she, with one big nasty, massivly treaded shoe, brakes, and a handle

Possibly hacked by Gilby, himself. :wink:

Gilby’s most excellent observation notwithstanding, there is a lot of ambiguity on sexing a unicycle. Most of these observations have been from a male perspective.

A female may argue that the unicycle is just so simple, it has to be male.

On the other hand, a male may argue it’s female because only with time and perseverance will you finally figure one out and even then you’ll get thrown at the most unexpected moment.

They may be male because all your unicycles don’t mind hanging out with each other without getting jealous.

They may be female because, you know, there are just so many good looking unicycles out there.

Distance/touring unicycles may be female because they are often highly accessorized.

Hmm…female analogies seem to be winning.

^That is good stuff. Maybe we can take our show on the road.

I bet everyone here would appreciate that

mine is a babe. the paint job is gold metal flake, and hot pink strippers on the sides. Im a little rough on her though. And I have rolled off of her many times.

My MUni’s a real b*tch.

Sometimes she throws me down a steep hill, scratches me on the shins, and works me over good when I climb the other side with her.

Then she suddenly purrs real smooth, like spilled milk running across the table…

…just before it runs off onto the floor.