GCSE results

Hey all

Just let you know, all 16 year olds (year 11) in Great Britain got their GCSE results today (unless they are getting them posted to them).

I got 3 A’s, 4 B’s, 3 C’s and D and an E.

I hope everyone on the forum who is getting/has got their results got what they wanted. Best of Luck.

Let us know how you did (that is, if you want to…!)



well done mate, thats what i got last year, 3 a’s 4 b’s and c’s
unfortunatly last thursdays results for me didnt go in my favour!

I am not as clever as joe :frowning:
BUT! for all those annoying people who moaned about spelling i pasted english and got a B in english lit so :stuck_out_tongue: to you all!!!
i got 5 a-c’s the rest d’s :frowning: but i got enough for college so i am happy

You guys have E’s in the UK!?!?!? I thought that grades were the same in all countries(I thought maybe, the UK would have some sort of Metric value on grades or the same system as the US) But an “E” thats super awesome.I wish we could get "E"s man what a cool country, marmite, the beatles and now this! Oh how I love the E. Wait Is an E bad???

Hey CatBoy.

it goes A*, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. I think they are all passes, but most people just think of the A’s, B and C as passes really.

What you have in the US?


A, B, C, D, F.
No E! I think we dont have E’s because in Elementary school(ages 5-11) you can get an E for Excellent, S for Satisfactory, and N for needs Improvement. But I really Really wish we had all the waydown to G cause then getting a C wouldn’t be bad. I got a C once and my mom flipped out.

In my school we have A, B, C, D and E. Apparently kids don’t take it well when they get F’s because F is for Fail :stuck_out_tongue:

I really doubt that when people get an F they should take it well.