Gatorade VS water

Neither nor, I meant thirsty :o
Yes, spoiled. I knew I picked out the wrong one from Leo dictionary :roll_eyes:

Neither nor, I meant thirsty :o
Yes, spoiled. I knew I picked out the wrong one from Leo dictionary :roll_eyes:

They put it in to make people drink less… :roll_eyes:
Beside of the fact that you shouldn’t drink tab water after 6 hours (I never cared about it) that’s a great tip and I’ll try it right now. Thank you!

Gatorade v. Water v. Frappacino!

See: Riding, Fatigue, and Age

I’m semi-serious about this. Frappacino before, during or after a ride rocks my world! (Of course it’s not loaded with electrolytes, and you might experience the dreaded post-caffination-crash, but the combination of sugar, fat-free milk, and coffee helps me dig deeper and go longer.)

However, for long (2-3 hr.) workouts, I find sports drinks to be extremely useful, and for ultra-long (12 - 36 hr.) events – essential – where the electrolytes are needed to reduce or eliminate cramping and nausea.

Talley-ho! It’s off to the baristas I go.