Garage Cleaning Blog

Today, I hade decided to undertake the impossible: cleaning my garage. To help sustain my motivation, I will post here to document my progress.

Here are two pictures of the chaos this 10:30 morning.


another 10:30am picture

What a mess!


What is the eventual aim?
Do you want to be able to park a car in there?
Swing a cat?
See the floor?

What is the eventual aim?
Do you want to be able to park a car in there?
Swing a cat?
See the floor?

It should be a workshop for woodworking and classic VW repair.
Also Uni and bike storage.

Seeing that picture makes me want an ultimate wheel.

I still want one done up as a peace sign.

Blake, has anyone ever called you a Renaissance woman?

Uh, your garage seems to consist of mostly empty space. How hard can that be? :slight_smile:

That’s almost as bad as how my garage used to look…good luck cleaning it.

12:30 report

I hit the corner of all the soil samples from my PhD. Several thousand baggies each filled with a few tablespoons of dirt. They need to be emptied and discarded.

Bear was some help, I think I will put the rest out in the rain until another day and work around them. I need that corner of the garage for storage of more useful things.

Over all the garage is still a mess, but now that I figured out how to tackle this particularly stubborn part of the mess, I will move along after a lunch break…




2:45 report

I see the beginnings of order here… Some open space and a pile of wheeled things.

My camera is out of batteries, so this is a cellphone shot at a long exposure time. Sorry.



Ah, the power of shelving! Looks great so far…

Have you considered bicycle hooks for the wheeled thingies? Screw 'em into the rafters and you’re set! (Mine only cost $0.99 each)

I have a tight one-car garage, but with said hangers I’m able to keep three bikes and three unicycles as well as my car in storage with ease.

It saddens me that the unicycles were not your first priority.

I had to move the soil to make toom for the camping gear so I could hang the unicycles prominently by the garage door for easy access…

Don’t be disappointed. :slight_smile:

Nice ultimate wheel.

6 pm

I have the unicycles up!!
This will have to continue tomorrow. What a job… Thanks for your encouragement. I will have stronger coffee tomorrow morning.

Unis up.jpg

Oh my. Is that…10 i see?! nice collection!

looking good

Are you hanging the car with 2 or 4 screw in hooks?