So are there any computer games out there that aren’t violent generally, or that don’t involve shooting, bombing, or damaging people/things specifically?
If you are a gamer how did you get into gaming and what is it about gaming that you enjoy?
So are there any computer games out there that aren’t violent generally, or that don’t involve shooting, bombing, or damaging people/things specifically?
If you are a gamer how did you get into gaming and what is it about gaming that you enjoy?
roller coaster tycoon 2 is awesome and only violent if you decide to drown someone or build a ride that will crash on purpose
I used to love The Settlers when in the mood for a relaxing game of something. Watch the little people go about their lives in the country, building houses, planting trees, fishing and all sorts of other little activities that make the place look busy.
/me goes off to shoot things
pong, pretty much the greatest game ever.
tetris is a close second.
is that basically like the Sims?
because the Sims is a sweet game too.
age of empire sortof fits into that criterea but if your being exact in what you say th en it aint for you
I’m one of those nerdy MMORPG players, myself - FFXI for me. I haven’t played it nearly as much as I used too since I took up unicycling, though.
Sim City is the only game that I find entertaining on the computer other than first person shooters (QuakeIII!!!)
I like racing games on consoles and handhelds though.
oh yes, racing games are awesome.
Tony Hawk Pro Skater is also awesome, but pretty much only the first two.
THPS 2 rocked…THUG was good too, I liked the online mode.
Q3A is awesome. i used to play competitevely. for nonviolent games the THPS games and SSX snowboard games come to mind. Katamari damacy is pretty weird/addictive. tetris is also one of the best games ever.
The Sims? The Sims?!
In The Settlers you don’t get to control the people directly; you just decide where you want them to build things, or go find stuff to mine or places to sow fields. It’s great, being able to sit there and watch loads of little people ambling around…
I was once in to games big time shame Luckly i found the uni and i stopped wasting my time so much. I still play the odd game or two but not for long, at all.
HAHAHAHA…katamari…that game makes me laugh.
Kind of a fine line on whether there’s killing involved…depends on your definition of when life begins. Just exercise caution when handling them, as any juggler would.
yeah that one is pretty cool…
going to check out a few others now…
I got into gaming because of Atari 2600 and NES. I think the thing I miss the most about gaming is the beeping music and the creatively fun games, in spite of their “primitive” graphics. We used to fantasize about the super “realistic” games of the future, as if realism makes a better game. But now that many of the games have become quite photo-realistic, it’s almost like the games are just cheap copies of reality that can’t compare to the insanely fun games that filled my teenage years. Or, maybe I’m just getting old.
I’ve been killing all kinds of productivity playing Deadly Rooms of Death… despite the name, it’s actually a puzzle game that’s quite addictive. There’s a free download of the “Architect’s Edition” that you can play through 25 levels… it got me hooked and I ended up buying the full version. What’s cool is that the game comes with a level editor and you can download others’ versions and play them for free…
I just got my copy of Katamari Damaci in the mail… I can’t wait to get home and try it out! I’ve heard nothing but good things about it…
HAHAHA YES KATAMARI i got that game its great and non violent its sooo fun.
Chess and Scrabble.
The biggest drawcard of the PC versions is that you don’t have to move the little blocks and bits-n-pieces around and knock them off the coffee table and such.
It’s also dead easy to reset new games.
Maybe I’m just lazy.