Guy switches his brothers game cube with a broken one and smashes it.
Hahah, that’s a good prank.
i’m gonna try that w/ my brother’s wii! there’s a video game store that sells busted stuff to people by my house.
Am I missing something? What’s with all the lame prank videos? They’re not funny, not even in a sadistic way.
Man. You’re so old.
Dude, I’m about a year behind Kevin in age. Am I old too? Does this mean I should start poo-pooing practical jokes? Yours, Jason.
P.S. Kevin, you should come to Corbin’s this weekend. Obviously you haven’t discovered how much fun one can have with a sledgehammer.
2 years.
And, yes. Now you’re catching on.
Practical jokes can be fun. But, come on! Smashing some kid’s gamecube to watch him cry? Where’s the fun in that?
Just to prove I’m not old, I’ll help with the thread jack!
P.S. Jason, I won’t be there because I’ll be at my sister’s wedding.
It’s always fun to smash things, and
It’s funny cause of how upset the kid got over a gamecube, and how he didn’t believe his brother at first.
Just my take on it.
I guess so, to some extent.
I think it’s sad and disgusting that a child would be allowed to be so emotionally attached to his gamecube.
That’s a large part of the funny, too.
the dude did it cuzz his brother messed with his computer and he was apparently mad about it
Well it’s probably more like, the kid spent a lot of money on it or had to work for it somehow, and then he was upset that his brother would do such a mean thing.
If it just stopped working he probably wouldn’t have cried.
But yeah, that was a pretty low thing to do.