What happened to the Search feature in the galleries? It makes surfing them a lot more difficult, unless I have about 6 hours on my hands. In which case I would probably go unicycling… Anyway, where is it?
it hasnt been working in awile,i had to go though all of them so i could add some to my favorites for instant access.
One question for ya’ll. How do you get the url of your gallery to have something you choose instead of some random stuff?
I wish I knew. However…
I bet zach_jucha knows the answer.
Howjadoit, Zach?
Dave Lowell (uni57)
I know how to do it. You first have to find your album in the list of pages in the gallery which can take a while. When you find it (you should be logged in) go to “Rename Album” or something like that and go from there.
Good luck,
login, click rename album, the sky is the limit… except
“The name cannot contain any of the following characters:
\ / * ? " ’ & < > | . + # or spaces”
thankfully andrew posted this already, but for a few hours i was popular. which is braggable.
(P.S. i live a sad, sad, life)
Thanks, you guys rock!
I can’t find or make a gallery!!! GRRRR!
item number, it’s easy.
- go to gallery
- login with your already existing username and password
- if this doesn’t work get a new account and use that username and password
i had to do this for some reason, i think it’s because on my first account i said i didn’t want webspace. probably not though.
- your gallery will appear
- edit as you please
- go into it and click “add photos” to upload pictures and movies