Gallery Of Your Poetry.

I did some searching, and found some threads about poems, people asking for help for school, and just random uni poems, but no thread specifically for poems to be posted in.

Post the poems you have written here.

They can be about anything, written in any style, just as long as it is something you wrote. :smiley:

I start of with two I recently wrote.

Argh!!!! :angry:  
I hear it all the time
the same thing
         and again
            and again...
I hate it!
You think its funny
                Its not
you think its original
          when it isnt
  How does it feel...
to knock yourself down a notch?
You hum the same tune
you ask the same questions.
Ive heard it a thousand times
                   Its getting old
I'm turning up my music now.
Hidden in this world,
Passing within the shadows.
Does anyone care?
Will anyone ever notice?
Skulking through your thoughts,
           I know
more than you give me credit for.
Covered with the dark, you cant see me
          I see you
I remain hidden.

EDIT: One more I just wrote in that bored thread.

The clock ticks slowly...
I'm surrounded by idiots.

All I hear is the drone of
my mindless teacher.

This is taking too long,
let me out of this prison.

Would it even be worth it to try?
Would I get anything out of it?

This is pointless.
So very pointless....

Why do they make us come here?
I'm not paying attention anyways...

Maybe ill stare off at the black screen in front of me.
Maybe I wont.

Should I use my imagination?
To take me to a far off island?

Nah, too childish.

Wait, what is that?
I hear it.

That faint sound,
It resembles bells.

I know that sound!


I think we can all relate to that first one.

Keep the poetry up mate, it’s looking Good.

I like the 2nd poem a lot…

I’ve thought that a trillion times… especially in English class.

I’m a bit of a poety myself but I’m not going to post any poetry. I’m going to film me performing it and post that! For me, poetry is all about communicating and it’s so much easier to comprehend ideas and feelings when they’re being shown to you, not just being read.

 Why should anyone care that we can or cannot relate to the poem. That's not the point at all. In this case it seems that the poet is just trying to express himself, not to get you to understand his problems. Isn't that enough?
  Whatever happened to [U]"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."[/U]

Keep it up Jerrik!

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.

I thought he meant that as a compliment…

I wrote this poem a few weeks ago

It’s unfair to act the way you did
Although it may have seemed right
It’s hard to see the other side of the fence
Without climbing up the chain links
And falling on the other side—

You are right;
The other side is right;
In the end,
Everyone is right
And everyone is wrong.

There is no answer
To this life;
This world;
This universe.

The only chance 
We have at finding
A clue to get to a clue
Which will inevitably 
Lead to yet another clue
About the meaning of life
Is to share our opinions
And talk to each other.

Once you are on the other side
Of that fence you will see
The grass truly is not
Greener on the other side,
It is the same mossy green
On both sides,
But the journey home
Is harder than the journey
To where you thought
You wanted to 
End up.

one time i tried to
write a haiku unfortu
-nately i ran out

I go to the store
to try and buy more
then I have room for
but I only end up with four,
this poem is a big bore,
I ate an apple core
then ran into my door.

I wish I were a poet, but I’m not unfortunately. A lot of my friends are though, like, a LOT of my friends. One of my friends Xenia has a website with some of her writing on it, my favorite one is called Fix The Child Before He Breaks.

roses are red
violets are blue
i wanna make a dookie

Heh… I’m not challenging you Jerrick, but there is another thread for poems. But I think this one’s better because you started it :smiley:

A favourite of mine by harper from a while ago follows.

heh… and a favourite from Michael.


I wrote one for my best friend, Lauren, a while ago. It will probably seem a bit odd because you dont know most of the people mentioned in it - and by people I also mean inside jokes. But I was very proud. I put a lot of effort into it. 660 words and 30 stanzas. NOTE; She’s not really my sister.

Little Sister, Bug or Loz,
She’s my bestest friend,
Even though we have our little fights,
She’s my buddy ‘till the end.

She’s always there to talk to,
She’ll always give advice,
That’s because she’s someone,
Who is very nice.

She’s also very pretty,
Her eyes are hypnotising,
And when I make her laugh,
Her smile’s mesmerising.

She’s got really nice curves,
But now I will shut up,
Because if josh is reading this,
He’ll surely bash me up.

I used to have a crush on her,
I wanted her so bad,
Because she’s the coolest person,
I really like her dad!

She’s always fun to be with,
We have great phone calls,
She’s always fun to tickle,
‘Till she kicks me in the balls.

It’s funny when she beats me up,
Oh hits me in the gut,
And it is it really weird,
When she slaps me on the butt.

But I can’t say I don’t enjoy it,
It’s actually quite kinky,
I bet the teachers watching,
Think her hand’s now really stinky.

Listening to music,
Is one of her many joys,
She can pull some funny faces,
Funnier than the boys’.

My favourite of her faces,
Is when she’s cute and lonely,
I wish I hade a face like hers,
If only. Oh, if only.

Her face is just so cool!
It’s so…untainted?
I hope one day that me and it,
Can get better acquainted.

But she has Josh, metal mouth,
A fellow curly mop,
I know they love each other,
Their love will never stop.

So I’ll leave it all to josh,
To throw her down in bed,
“Hey who’s the behind the door?!
“Holy crap, it’s Ed!

But, nah, I wouldn’t do that,
Not to Josh and Lozza,
But I might do it to someone,
What are you doing tonight Wazza?

‘Cause I’m Perverted Turtle,
That’s what Loz has told me,
Well she’s a Bit of Bird!
And Bill smells like cat pee!

Speaking of the devil,
Where’s the hairy sack,
Of skin and big raw muscle,
No bones, therefore, no back?

Anyway, where was I?
I was writing off the track,
I was writing about dear Lauren,
Now Bill’s eating a ‘Big Mac!’

Oh sorry, there I go again,
I think I’ll stop it now,
Right after my little anecdote,
About a fluffy cow,

He went to his school one day,
Feeling small and gay,
Maybe because his name is Jake,
There’s nothing more to say.

Except that Lauren’s my bestest friend,
I hope she is forever,
‘Cause she’s my younger sister,
And I’m her older brother.

She’s who I’m around the most,
She’s the one that I admire,
Especially when she’s showing me,
Her skimpy new attire.

You know what I now need to do?
I need to take a dump,
Then I might sculpt the crap,
To look like Donald Trump.

Ah, that felt mighty good!
Better than milk and bickies,
I’ll never bring that up again,
Until my pants are brown and icky.

Moving on now,
To a more appetising class,
Of things before they’re eaten,
Before they come out of your arse.

How about dear old pie?
Pie is really great,
Whether you eat it with your hands,
Or eat it on a plate.

But enough of my weird fantasies,
They really are quite odd,
Let us talk about Homer Jay,
Known to me as god!

Homer is a champion,
He is my greatest hero,
Right before the firemen,
Who helped work at ground zero.

Anyway, as I was saying, earlier in this poem,
Lauren’s my best friend,
Also as I said before,
She’s my buddy ‘till the end.

Look how much I wrote about,
A chick who’s in my life!
She’s the male in her marriage,
Because Josh is the wife!

You know what I feel like doing now?
I feel like playing twister,
So Josh, look after Lauren,
‘Cause she’s my little sister.

All those are great!:smiley:

LOL! Did anyone else get this?

I do, it reminds me of one I think I can remember…

A decrepit old gas man named Peter
While looking around for the meter
Touched a leak with his light,
He rose up out of sight,
And, as anyone who knows anything about poetry will be able to tell you, he also ruined the meter.

Mr Potter, i love that limerick.

This is my favourite poem that i have ever written. i have posted it before but that was a long time ago. I could go through and find other, proper more meaning full ones but this one just makes me laugh.

The Tortoise and the Hair

A turtle of nine

Did not like the school

‘Cause when he would change

The others were cruel


He was not unusual

Quite like all the other

But there was one problem

Passed on from his mother


His mum, you see

Was not lacking the least

In much turtle hair

That she kept underneath


This made school a problem

Embarrassment at hand

Especially in sport time

Were undressing, in demand


To PE he’d go

With anxiety, all scared

For fear that they spied

He’s turtle parts, all haired


The only one he was

To have hair in those parts

The other turtles and such

Would start cracking remarks


One day he did try

With tweezers to pluck

But upon the first tug

He exclaimed ‘holy fuck’


I know what you’re thinking

That Turtles don’t groom

Nor do they grow

The Likes of pubic costume


But next time you hang

some shit on that guy

With extra long hair

Sprouting from his thigh


Just step back and think

About the little turtle that lost

The race with the hair

And the pride that it cost

haha, thanks dude

One wheel
Pure and brilliant
So beautiful and strong
Uniqueness prevails above all

i even got that published in a book!


The Dan wrote a pretty awesome unicycle poem, well, it’s technically rap, but rap is pretty much poetry, right?

I say one, two, what you got
you got two? thas what I thought
I got one wheel an you got more,
da hell that second wheel ther for?
if you fall off your bike, you might start cryin
worse then the time you was eated by a lion
fall off the bike wait. . . .
your all muddy
nose all bloody
your bike fucked up and you feel cruddy
then you starting thinking maybe D-man is right
riding one wheel, thas whats tight
finally started thinking you big numbskull
now go get on your unicycle.

And this is why I hate rap.

because of lion references?

Lol well I guess I can add another one to your list, yallz gonna find me gay for this, I wrote this to my g/f I fell for her whe nI first met her and after only a month I thought she was the only one for me, I still feel this way today lol. But heres a poem I wrote after we were together one month…

Only a month has come and past,
yet it feels I have found the perfect one at last.
The one I want to forever hold,
til the end even after we are ugly and old.
The one with the soft gentle love,
that could only have been sent from above.
Above so dearly high,
that loosing her would surely bring me to die.
She is the perfect girl who is amazingly super sweet,
that of which no other girl can beat!
The girl with the most beautiful elegant smilng face,
that fills the Earth and Heavens with its grace.
The kind of grace with the most kind softest hair,
with the perfect hips that allways make me stare.
With the perfect amazingly beautiful eyes,
with that deep beauty that will allways mesmorize.
With the babie butt that is the cuttest,
that makes me feel like a petifile to say is the hottest!
With perfect long legs that allways drive me to a craze,
whos entire body puts me to haze,
with perfect smooth and soft skin that puts all to amaze.
The kind of girl that can give even me a girlish scream,
that of her every night I dream.
The kind of girl who always smells as sweet as Jeffrey pine ;-),
The perfect girl I allways want to be mine.
Shes the one I want to forever hold and hug,
my perfect, lovebug!