B&B Sing It
Bush and Blair do a duet.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
B&B Sing It
Bush and Blair do a duet.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
Butt printing Artist…
ah… madonna.com
But only right now (it is hacked).
I would really appreciate if people would not post pictures with naked people in the forums. Even if they are small pictures. Thanks.
My three favorite are
The last one is the BEST. It is sooo stupid. LOL
No nudies here… at least I’m pretty sure (although I haven’t checked the entire site yet).
You don’t have to be “of age” to view this site, but it will help you understand the philosophy.
Shake hands with the monkey on your back!
Of course, while you’re enjoying your favorite intoxicating beverage, you might feel the urge to inhale some tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and various other poisons. This site may save your lungs ( but not your liver ).
Unicyclist Forum for Pokemon
Unicyclist Forums in Cockney English:
Klaas Bil
Or how about backwards
Klaas Bil
Wow! That’s fantastic!
I’ve done the reverce long ago with my “corporate” error-pages .
404 went normal!
The image-revercing is no big deal. And to reverce text PHP function strrev() is a nice tool.
But how not to screw HTML? Any scripts out there?
i quite enjoyed this… http://firefly.sparse.org/~mrt/cgi-bin/t.cgi?field=unicyclist.com
OK. Go figure!
Umm… Illegal Substances Simulator?
Are you bragging or complaining, Phil?
Merely speculating…