Please post a pic or description of your unicycling-related injury.
I don’t have a picture, but I seem to have broken the middle finger on my left hand.
I think I smashed it against a tree or something in an otherwise unspectacular UPD a week or so ago.
It’s most unpleasant. Maybe I should get an X-ray, though I don’t think there’s anything to be done.
thats funny i did the same only it was my ring finger
And I have footage of it…OUCH! Look how his fingers go throught the fence and then his arm twists.
Not my injury, but my wife’s.
She was getting off, and the inside of her left foot caught the edge of the pedal, causing her her to land full force on the inside off her left foot. This broke her ankle, and the resulting stress on her leg snapped her fibula.
The left x-ray is before, the right is after it was set. Notice the space between the 2 bottom arrows. (They’re much closer in the 'after ’ pic.)
Two days later, she had surgery and had two screws and two pins installed. Eleven months after that, she had the screws removed, but the pins will remain.
I injured the same finger last week. It’s not broken but it swelled up and I can’t move it through the same range of motion as before without having some pain.
I had this injury on another finger, and a doctor told me to keep stretching the finger to regain the range of motion, otherwise I might not regain it.
I jumped off a picnic table only a couple days after I learned to hop. I landed it but- ouch- so much for passing on the family name.
I may have a first. I went to let my dog out and outside was my brother’s so I figured I’d just ride around the house, I was in my birks (sandals). That got boring so i rode up to my step to do a footplant-crankflip and I did, but when I flipped the cranks (forward) the tire, a fairly new Luna with deap tread caught my planted foots (right) big toe nail and (squeamish look away) wripped 3/4 of it back, it later came completely off. It hurt really bad but I didn’t really notice the pain cause it was so weird interesting and cool at the same time.
I hit my thigh on a bad handrail grind and couldn’t walk properly for two or three days.
My shins are mangled.
12 stiches on my left shin(learnin to unispin on platforms). Busted foot(one footed grinds on my 24"). Brusted finger(pallet jumped up and hit me). I spraine my left ankle 3-5 times a year. I threw my back out a couple times do to bad form…
HERE’S one thread.
I am the only person I know who has literally ripped themselves a new one. I was on a Northshore ride with Kris, James Hargrave, Eyal was in town, some other folks, and we did an elevated skinny early in the ride. A long one, about seven feet off the ground in some places. I hit something on it and managed to fall off. I banged my ribs on the log on the way down but didn’t catch it. I landed on my butt on something that hurt. Left gluteous.
I got up and rode the remaining three hours. Then, we ferried back up to the top and I left a crust of dried red stuff in Kris’ car. They all thought I must have landed on some berries or something. My guess is that it was the something. I dropped my drawers and James reluctantly looked at my butt and reported a small cut on it. Nothing substantial. I sat on newspaper for the rest of my driving time.
I got back and got in the shower. I started to wash the cut off and my finger slipped into it up to the second knuckle. I thought I was going to pass out it freaked me so much. When I poured some hydrogen peroxide into it and bandaged it and got dressed, I looked at my riding shorts for punctures. I found none. I was much more worried about what might be IN that hole than the hole itself.
I went to the emergency room to have it irrigated. Nothing came out. They ran about a liter of saline solution through it. My best guess is that the skin ripped on impact with the sharp edge of a rock.
Oh, that and I broke my leg once. But that’s sissy stuff.
So…you banged yourself in a second hole…wierd…
Im just recorvering from a bad back…ingury that I think was caused by unicycling,but Im not sure how.
My back injuries werent they started hurting later, it was i knew exactly how and when, I could barely walk home after doin them.
1 fairly bad slice on my leg when I crank grabbed a concrete wall (while learning), jumped off and my right foot came off my brand new onza pedal. I hit the floor and my shin hit the 3mm pedal spikes… That hurt like hell, plus I ended up under my uni (somehow) in front of about 8 people outside our sports center at school.
Serious muscle pain was the other one, after riding Mt Snowdon for the first time. I’ve never had my legs hurt so badly. I couldn’t climb the stairs in the B&B after breakfast, I had to crawl back to my room on my hands & knees.
My best injury yet was an endo into a poison oak patch. I was covered from shoulders to hips with a solid red rash. No flesh-colored patches inbetween, just solid red.
The doctor put me on heavy steroids for a few days to alleviate the swelling. Now I know why athletes would want to take them… my endurance amazingly increased by an order of magnitude! I could ride for hours without tiring!
Unfortunately I also became a twitching wreck who couldn’t sleep, was perpetually p!ssed off and completely unable to sit still. Next time I’ll pass on the little pink pills, even if I have to tear my own skin off to “alleviate” the swelling.
Lol if my btro knew that hed go rollin in ivy, So doc i think I need steroids…
I dislocated my left ankle riding slickrock trail in Moab and broke my tibia and fibula in the spring of 2002. Here’s an xray of my left ankle after surgury.
jeez, looks like you’ve got a mini trials course inside your leg!
I had the hardware taken out the winter before last and it feels much better almost good as new. You can imagine trying to wear a ski boot with that inside your ankle.
Not Unicycle Related:
In desember i broke my leg sking, The crack went from 1/2" down from the knee to and 1" above the ankle, had it twisted anymore, it would have split my knee in half, OUCH, yeah, just thought id say that, sorry its not unicycle related