THis isnt me-but I took the picture…
hehe, I like the blue one better
Kristine, I’ve never actually seen a pic of you unicycling! Do you have one or can you take one?
no… not its not… what are you like 12 feet in the air…?
Darnit my last post didnt have a uni pic.
A picture from the uni meet in North Bend. Note the girl that is about to crash:
duuude, her wheel looks JUST like my wheel did when I decorated it for a 4th of july parade a couple years ago!! NEAT!
WOW tyler look at all those freestyle girls, they all look your age too! You must have been one happy guy
It was fun, but none of them we’re really hot. And most of them other than the older ones (14 - 18 years old) couldn’t do too many good tricks. No offence to them, but not my type. Now if only there was a person that was UBER hot, had Irene’s skills, and had Irene’s uni. Ahhhhh…
This is where the hotties and the goodies were at: in the gym.
Why those pics look so shitty i dont know.
Best pic of me from Moab: