well im in the eastern time zone and its 11 21pm right now
I am in the same one…
im curently in AEST, unlike the rest of the east cost that is on AEDT.
current 1:27pm monday.
i am in the beautiful eastern time zone, and it is 11:30 pm
ought ta be off to bed, night all
10:20 and about bed time, good night unicyclist.com!
Central Standard Time…and it’s 12:21 pm…I should probably go to bed.
Just added Cyprus to the time zone list.
Good morning Cyprus (it’s 8:30 am there right now).
I’m on BST, 9:44 am.
Umm, cool! Why Cyprus? Thank you for remembering us.
And yes, it was 8:30 am when you posted.
I just saw that, even though we are in the same timezone, Gild and I have different times. I suppose that’s because we’re on the summer time over here and they must be on the winter time now. Oh well, still close.
That time zone list is in my signature (click on the World Clock). The purpose is to show the various time zones for people who frequent the forums here. Cyprus was missing.
It is now 4:30 am here and I just woke up and can’t get back to sleep.
It’s quarter to 10pm here in Sydney and i still feel as energetic as a bunny rabbit on heat.
Where’s the clock for the Twilight Zone? It’s Monday, when time stands still.
Newfoundland Daylight Time (2.5 hours behind UT).
Why the half-hour? Don’t ask. Our calendar’s about 20 years behind, too.
I was just gonna post about the ‘half’ time zones. I only recently learned that there are a couple of places on this planet where they divide time zones into half hours. That’s be weird, to know that it’s 10:00 where you are and in a neighboring city it’s 10:30.