Taking over where lolcats and the ‘motivationals’ have left off, I’ll start it with my contribution.
GILD, nice.
Your third one took me a while until the Blues Brothers’ version of Rawhide spontaneously popped into my head.
My contribution:
can’t be arsed to do the border
I love how the youngest person here is 31!
In tryin to outpedant Maestro, fixed it for ya.
Maestro’s is the bestest.
Oi, no comments without having a go!
(I’ve been reading the Sprite-thread again, apparantly people REALLY like it if you make rules on your threads.)
And I actually want one of those rolling boomboxes.
They Hatin’
Prisoner.bmp (168 KB)
Memes, they’re not just for kids anymore!
don’t i count?
That rock and roll lifestyle you lead makes you look 31.