Well done Klaas and ‘foolish’ (sorry…I know it’s terrible but your name has slipped my mind).
Don’t worry Andrew
I hardly ever put my name at the bottom of my posts. Is it general newsgroup etiquete to put your name somewhere if you have a conspicuous nickname??
Unicycists è dalla natura argumentative. Quello è che cosa li fa più meglio del resto.
It seems pretty common here, but it’s quite uncommon at a moutain biking forum I check every now and then. It’s up to you…I don’t think it really bothers any of us.
I’m sorry, but I had to post this link to a weird and/or interesting site. I think i might have posted it in the weird or interesting sites thread but it has to be but here again coz it is so weird and interesting!!
Some of you may have already seen it, but for those of you who havent, there it is.
U NEED to have the sound turned on, its amazing!!
Ah, the All-Your-Base malarkey… good times…
My favourite of this is this one… because about the time this all became the latest craze the Halifax nearly repossessed our second-year student house… the landlord had been investing in dodgy nightclubs rather than paying the mortage.
There are more of these at www.allyourbrand.org.
Wow! what a site!! I think i may have to have Throwing Sticks in the spokes of bandwagons as my sig. hehe.
Hehe, I’m pressing random buttons here to see what happens. If the end of the world comes round, I didn’t touch anything.
Oh, nothing
I rated this thread 5, but where does it say??
Heh, what does “all your base are belong to us” mean? I don’t get it… ::is a puny little kid::
Why is jagur so obsessed with Michael Jackson (or whoever that is) all of a sudden?
It’s an inside joke that started by people making fun of a poorly translated version of a Japanese video game into English. The “All your base” phrase was just one of the poor translations.
The story is here:
All Your Base story
Ah, the internet at its best.
You know what would be fun to do some time? Right before April Fools Day, get all the companies in the town that have big billboards, and pay them to alll have that quote written on them. Then on April Fools day, all the normal people will be like, “Huh?” and all the nerds and geeks will be like, "NOOOO!!!"Or something like that.
Metathesis is a one-word spoonerism.
When you tie your shoes, don’t tie a granny knot!
No, 42. 42 is the answer to everything, didn’t you know that? I once asked someone what the meaning of life is. Guess what he said.
I still don’t get the all your base thing. Does it mean “all your bases belong to us”? Which would mean there only hope belongs to them (the cats guy)?