Gallery of red X's

I’ll start.

Hey, now this is a thread I can get into. I really didn’t see a point of the invisible word thread. But this? Man, this is where its at!

untitled.bmp (366 KB)

I don’t see any red X’s. All I see are a few blue boxes with white question marks.

Here’s my “Red Ex”! :stuck_out_tongue: (Humina Humina!!! :slight_smile: )


my post contains explicit content…

Well here’s a red X of the weird kind. :smiley:

Unique Red X. :smiley:

My ex was very liberal.
Does that count?





Not recommended.

the big blue mountain board jump!

She has no nose. :frowning:

She kinda does…the little squiggle above her mouth? Maybe?

she lost her nose so she won’t have to smell you XD

But in the movie, she does have a proper nose. :thinking: