like this?
apparantly not, and the gallery can’t handle mp3 or .wav formats either
i can email it to u?
any other suggestions?
My sound bite for Suzue:
How does on say/spell superkalifragilisticexpeallydoshous?
or say the alphabet in one word? or, say the alphabet backwards in one word?
Suzue hubs are manufactured in Japan. The japanese pronunciation, unless the English spelling is modified, would be sue-zoo-eh. Nevertheless, I am interested in hearing what the general consensus of an English pronunciation would be. It seems that there are two main contendors: sue-zoo and sue-zoo-ee. I personally prefer sue-zoo, because that is how the spelling suggests that it should be pronounced, while sue-zoo-ee is just mistaking the final vowel sound.
Sorry for reviving such an old thread…
Nonsense! You are using the Search feature. This is what happens. Nice old threads come back to life.
All is well in the universe. Well, at least all is well in this THREAD. *
- because it’s OLD.
I tried something like this around last Christmas, here:
I thought it would be fun to listen to each other’s accents and speech patterns but got no response. In order to make the gallery work,, Gilby set it up to accept both .mp3 and .wav files. Perhaps we could use that gallery to record pronunciations as well.
Just a thought.
the entire gallery can accept mp3 and wav.
As far as pronunciation, I’ve heard it called “sue-zoo-eh” and most commonly just “sue-zoo.”
So when you say it out loud, do a bunch of little hublets come running to the pen for their dinner?
I say it “Sue-Zee”.
I have one to add:
“Jim Cielencki”
uni57 says “JIM sill-EN-skee”
uni57 says it that way because his main man says it that way.
I say sue-zoo-ee even though I know it’s not the correct way to pronounce it.
When I was kindergarten in Yooperland, I lived in a little town called Newberry, MI, which was just south of the Tahquamenon Falls. It has always been fun to hear trolls (Michiganders who live below the bridge) try to pronounce Tahquamenon. If you get a chance, it’s a very beautiful falls and state park.
Another U.P. fun one is Kitch-iti-kipi, a 40 ft. deep, 200 ft. wide clear flowing spring. Indian names have always been neat. Upper Michigan is rife with them. Visitors traverse the spring in a glass bottom raft.
Here’s the pronunciation guide:
Ta-qua’ (emphasis)(a sound as in car) -men -non
Kitch’ - it - ee Kip’- ee
Washington state has some Indian names too. One fun one that no one will get right the first time they try to pronounce it is Sequim (a town of about 4300 people). It’s pronounced skwim. No hint of an “e” in the actual pronunciation.
I found a big list of Northwest names here. Note that the list for Washington is much longer than the other Northwest states. Another fun one from Washington is Puyallup (pyoo-AL-up).
We stayed with family friends in Puyallup when we were there for UNICON 2002. We love the Seattle area. Hope we can go back to visit again someday.
How about this lake in Massachusetts
Lake Chargoggagoggmanchaugagoggchaubunagungamaugg
–is a Nipmuc Indian phrase usually translated (very loosely) as “You fish on your side of the lake; I fish on my side; no one fishes in the middle.”
our british brethren have been conspiciously silent on this thread
they have some absolute clangers as far as spelling-vs-pronunciation goes and i can’t weight for them to way in
general newsreader’s rules when up against something ‘unpronouncable’ (that u didn’t prep )
-ignore 1/3 of the syllables and make sure u get thru the word in one go
(at least one of the syllables u choose to ignore should be the last one - this lends it a ‘foreign’ air and normally makes people either believe that u obviously know how to pronounce it, or it makes them wonder why they’ve had it wrong all their lives…)
-try n get thru the (longish) word in three sections
every section may contain more than one syllable, but try n give the word an ‘intro-body-outro’ kinda sound
smoke and mirrors, the audio guide
as for ‘suzue’, i’ve always gone for ‘Swaize’
You made that up im sure. why would it be one long word like that?
I don’t think anyone could find the meaning of this word.
Maybe not, but googling it gave me a “Results 1 - 1 of 1 for chicboc definition. (0.14 seconds)”.