Here is the next version of reality galleries.
I thought it would be fun to hear greetings from unicyclists to unicyclists from around the world. So I set up a gallery at to which you can upload your personal greeting to the rest of us. Be sure to include your forum name so we know who you are and your location either in the recording or in the caption beneath.
Once you upload a greeting, let us know here in the thread so we can go listen to the dulcet tones of your voice.
‘Hey this is Mike Swarbrick, I post as Swarbrim on the forums. Errr, this is what I sound like, I live in Devon, which is in England. Err, yea, sounds good.’
This came up in the Compliment thread so I thought I’d bump it again.
In looking at the greetings uploaded to the gallery, it’s interesting that Kristine is the only female to post but for some reason far and away has the most views.
Mmm, I was getting all ready to record a new greeting when I realised it was the same gallery.
I’d like to see a couple more in there.
Would love to hear Mikefule read one of his stories.
I’ve always wondered what different types of British dialects there were. In the U.S., there are definite accents that are characteristic of different parts of the country. I have to think that it’s the same in the U.K., but for now, most British accents sound the same to me. I just haven’t been exposed to the speech enough to tell the difference. Also, I can imitate the different accents from around the U.S. but the British accent is very difficult for me and I’m not sure why. Probably for much the same reason, I haven’t heard it enough.
I’d like to suggest a fixed script for everyone to incorporate in their recordings.
That will help alleviate the problem of ‘not knowing what to say’ and also make it more interesting to hear the different pronunciation of the same words by people from different countries.