Gaby Costes

I haven’t seen any of his videos here before. Damm he’s good!! :astonished:

The soundtrack on this one brought back fond memories of hours of mind numbing fun :roll_eyes:

The rest of his youtube vids

Awesome riding! Awesome vid!
That jump to the black rail was sick!
Keep riding :slight_smile:


really cool! i liked the mario bros thing. your riding is awesome!

very nice riding! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: i oved the jump of mario and when u fell the sound when u go down the pipe. Very nice editing:)

Skilewis74 correct me if I’m wrong. but to all you replyers those aren’t skilewis74’s videos those are someone else who is really, really good so he is posting them here for all of us to see. I just wanted to clear up that confusion.

Yes, it’s very original!!! I like it :wink:

I have the same shin pads, very comfortable.

Correct. I wish I had the equipment, camera/editing skills, and that good of a rider close by. :roll_eyes:

I just saw this on youtube while looking at another video that was linked from hear.

thats a really good video, very nice editing too…