G-mail invite request

Sorry if this is not welcome or something, but I’d really like a G-mail invite. Please pm me with it. Thanks a lot!


whats your current email?

Why does it matter?

You have to email the invite. I’ll send you one to your unicyclist.com email if you want.

Or I could set it up with the name you want and you could change the password later…

I PMed you with my e-mail, Forrrest.

Go Tyler. Ask, and ye shall receive!!

Of course it’s NOT WELCOME, lad. Do it anyway.

While we’re at it, let’s see if we can get Tyler any party invitations!!

Go Tyler. Ask, and ye shall receive!!

That made no sense at all. NOT WELCOME? Why? Sarcasm? My adolescent mind no comprehend. :thinking:

I think it is Tyler bashing. But I’m not sure.

Billy the Webmistress wouldn’t do such a thing. :wink:

Still waiting on Forrest’s email fo da Gmail.

I love gmail. I have practically unlimited invites.
PM me if you want the invite if Forrest doesn’t get back to you soon.

Everyone has unlimited invites I think.

Invite recieved thanks to Forrest!


Gmail rules.:slight_smile:

A’righty, it’s changed! Thanks again, forrest!

So, what’s your gmail tyler?

Don’t want to post it publicly, but I’ll pm you if you want it.

You have an adolescent mind? Where did you get that? Aren’t you like 12 or so? :slight_smile:

I love you, Tyler, but YOU started out saying: Sorry if this is not welcome…

Like with each advance you make on the first date, it’s not a good idea to begin with that phrase.

I was just having fun, and encouraging you to go for what you want directly!

You GO, Tyler!


Well it’s at least polite to confess your apologies before slipping roofie in your date’s drink.