Futura Black font, can any one help me out

Hi for a project I’m working on I need a little bit of text ( 2 letters) in Futura Black font. I don’t have this font and Its not avalible for free anywhere… Can any one mail me a jpg of "dB " in a BIG size futura Black. I’m wanting to use it cover about 1/6 of an A4 page or about 5cm square.

Sarah dot miller at unicyclist dot com
and yes thats dB as in decibel NOT DB or Db , but dB .

ok , hold on a few minutes…

My mom’s MAC has it …
I’ll have her Email it to me …

then I will post it here for you to ‘clip’ :smiley:

Ok , that wont work …

I had her Email it you …

You going to have the same problem though …

If your computer has no ‘futura’ font … you wont see it in ‘futura’ font either.
(I dont think)

You need to have someone take a ‘screenshot’ of it.
Then send the .jpg to you.

You can probably download it. Do a Google search for ‘futura font.’ maybe put download in there, too.

Which Futura font? Strangely enough there appear to be several.

I have two versions, however looking at the ones for sale around the internet neither of these are actually what you’re after…


edit: These call themselves Futura Bold (left) and Futura Black (right)


Futura Black is the one. Thanks Phil.

Now i need to setle down to finishing the document that it will adorn…
