Fusion zero or 1 wanted

I just tried to order and UDC is out until June. Does anyone have one that they didn’t like, or maybe an extra to sell?

thanks! Bo

Hi, where are you located? I may have one Fusion Zero to sell in Europe.

US, dang it. Unless that works for you. My wife works there from here / so we do get a lot of packages from There.

Do you need the pivotal seat post as well?

Yes - I do not have one

you can get them from a normal bike shop for much cheaper than udc because they’re quite common on bmx bikes

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Hey WD where you @? I’m in California

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I have a Zero. I’m in Northern CA. Now I ride the One. In math terms, One is infinitely more than Zero. In unicycling terms, it’s probably less than that, and is also a personal choice. :smiley:

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I did just get one - but have more than one unicycle (as we all do!). do you want to sell the zero?

Sure, where are you?

1026 16th st

West Des Moines, IA 50265

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