Fur Trade

If you think the fur trade is acceptable, watch this video:


Please note, very very NWS.

Do not watch if you are squeamish. Do not watch at work or school or anywhere where people will judge you based on this type of shit. Seriously an opinion changing vid though. 16MB

Its funny how no one has replied. I gues they are too cheap for knives. You think they would just kill it, but they have to be mean and beat it senselass, then chop off the legs and skin it alive. Im no vegeterian or Vegan, but that is just wrong.

I am not squeamish and have seen a lot of gruesome things in my life. But I did watch most of the video clip and find it extremely disturbing. From where I stand, these men have no shred of moral decency or respect in their soul and need to be brought to justice…hard! I wish it were that easy.

We all view things differently. In my eyes, an event to this degree is horrible. In Raphael’s eyes, it’s the end of the world as we know it. (Hey, R, here we go again agreeing with each other.) But in these men’s eyes, their catch is obviously nothing more than a job that produces a combination of market product and waste material. It probably has some cultural views thrown in as well. The animals obviously suffered. But how much suffering is acceptable and to what degree and by whom? How far should we take a process of life and market before it becomes unacceptable? If an animal is to be used as a market product, how quickly should it’s life be extinquished? Instantaneously? How instantaneous is instantaneous? There has to be some amount of suffering in even an instantaneous kill method. Again, we all stand in different places with different eyes.

I agree with the fur trade for the most part and so have participated in it to a small extent. I have hunted animals with both firearm and bow and arrow. My goal is a combination of sport and food. My hunting philosophy is to not kill anything that I won’t use. My method is to make the kill as quickly and cleanly as possible. But because I routinely take the life of animals, some will look at me with the same amount of disgust as I had for the men and their methods in the video clip. It is a matter of where you stand in the earth’s big parade of life. I once was a guest of a hunting party on private land. I took a deer as did another member of the group. I had a clean shot and my deer expired quickly. The other guy didn’t shoot as straight and as we walked up on his deer, it was still alive. This man began the field dressing procedure before the deer was dead. It disgusted me, even horrified me and I vowed never to hunt with that group of people again.

I would venture to guess that the majority of the fur industry is accomplished as sanely and safely as possible and according to regulations. But every aspect of life has its dark side, such as the actions of the men in the video clip. So where do we go from here? As horrific as the video clip is, with the innumerable amount of different eyes in the world, it unfortunately boils down to civilly standing up for what you believe or at the least, agreeing to disagree. If not, well, that’s how wars start. In my book, nothing is more horrific than war as it involves people.


ok, that was enough watching for me. i couldn’t watch it through, not because I am squeamish…but because I got the point.


I’ll think of something constructive to say later.

I have to agree with Bruce. I think hunting isn’t bad as long as you try to make the cleanest shot possible. Bow Hunting is a little more cruel, but as long as you eat the animal, You are just ddoing waht animals do- hunt, kill, and eat. All those4 men had to do is a quick slit of the throat or better yet, just chop the head off in one blow. It would be easier too than beating it on the gound, hitting it with a club and than just letting it die.

that’s what I was gonna say…only less smarty…


To say that I consider what is in that video in and of itself to be the end of the world as we know it is a bit of an exaggeration. However, the cumulative effect of this, the US absence from the Kyoto accord, and other things going on, may, yes in my view, very well be.

I am not a pagan but I do hope that Gaia takes care of us - in whichever sense works best - before we finish her off.

not cool

hrmm, I was going to watch it, but after reading all the replies I don’t think I will. I assume it has to do with inhumane treatment to animals that they use to make clothes etc.?

Just a little bit of tongue in cheek there.

I haven’t watched it, and I’m not going to watch it. But I am wondering what country it is from. I would be very surprised if that was from the US or other first world country.

I don’t see anything wrong with using animals as a resource. They provide us food, clothing, and a variety of other things. I don’t see any reason to make the animals suffer like that though. That’s is the act of a souless person.

The text puts it in a asian country.

quite possible its from greenland. they are allowed to hunt and eat almost anything they can catch/kill. the reaons behind the beating is that it doesn’t damage the fur. if you cut the head off or otherwise use sharp things on it, you destroy some of the super valuable fur. not excusing the barbaric practice, just explaining it. it’s kinda like how european leather is better quality than american leather because they don’t use barbed wire, so the cows don’t get scratches and thereby produce better/smoother leather.

Buy American. We have humane standards.

I’m not sure what animal is in the movie (exept the one which looks at least part human), but I don’t think it’s from Greenland.
They are not allowed to hunt everything, but there’s a problem enforcing the laws.

What bothers me the most about the clip is that once you’ve caught the animal it’s not a problem killing it without damaging the fur. He just didn’t bother to do it.

btw. if that clip makes you boycut fur, you should boycut chicken too.

I’m also not against using animals as a resource, but it is just plain lazy that they can’t end the creatures lives a little more humanely.

But infinitely worse…history shows many accounts of people treating other people or races similarly.

Makes you wonder just how evil man can be.

I agree. But I guess if you want your fur, you have to beat it or not maim it. That doesn’t mean I support it.

I am also not a vegan or vegetarian or an animal rights person or whatever. I eat meat and have a few leather things. Maybe I don’t have a problem with killing and animal quick and then stripping the meat off as opposed to skinning it alive. I guess I have a mixed view. I don’t think animals should be used solely for their fur, but then what do I say about the nice leather shift boot I got for my car for Christmas? My views are more like, yeah I know it happens, but sheesh, you’d think they could at least be civil and decent about it.

I don’t think you need to feel guilty about it at all. For legitimate businesses in animals and animal byproducts, a majority of them operate within strict guidelines and adopt regulated procedures. As with most things, the black sheep (pardon the pun) are always the ones noticed.

We had a hog slaughtering plant in Rochelle up until a couple years ago when they reformatted corporately and move certain operations to other locations. As part of my job, I had the opportunity to tour the facilities several times including the kill floor. Since hogs have to be alive up until the moment they are processed, the basic procedure was to route the hogs into a chute, zap the head with an electrical current that instantly knocked the hog unconscious, hook it, hoist it and then begin the slaughtering process. It was assembly line work. The dangling hog carcass moved via overhead conveyor as different stations along the way removed different parts of the hog. It was an amazing operation.

But the best part of it all was the unwritten company slogan, “We use everything but the squeal.”