Confused. Was there sound that made it funny? seemed pretty ordinary to me.
aaaaAAAAAAhahahahahaha!! that was SO FUNNY!!
Wow! The poor thing.
that was sad yet it made me crack up I feel bad lol
They were doing a loop the loop weren’t they?
can you imagine itg if the dog had had it’s head out of the window, tongue lolling at the time…
Surely it’s not a UFO? That’s quite easily identified as a dog. The zero gravity affect is caused by flying vertically downwards (or very close to vertical) with an acceleration of 9.8m/s/s this technique used to be used for training astronauts (and probably still is)
really? aww man, you ruined it. all the best discussions are ruined by someone who comes along knowing what s/he’s talking about.
I’m sorry James, you can still believe it’s a mysterious brown creature from mars if you want to.
aww thanks
No, Not a loop, They were pulling the plane up allmost vertical allmost before a stall, then pushing down, making it 0 G.
That’s similar to the move that the Vomit Comit does. They never get upside down.