Funny Nursey Rhymes...

Mary Mary quite contrayhow does your garden grow?
what the hell i live in a flat
how the fuck should i know?

this one’s my favourite:

Jack and Jill when up the hill to
have a bit of fun
Jack forgot his ‘plastic mac’
and now they have a son!

Hey! Watch yer mouth there, treepotato…

This here’s a family-type forum, with lots of young, impressionable, easily-corrupted, middle-aged men.

If you want to make dirty posts, you’re supposed to do it down in the SPAM BIN.



And HAH!

Treepotato got busted!!

Quite the mouth for a 14 year old papergirl. While I doubt you’ll teach any new words to most of the folks on this forum, since the topic was humor you might want to devote some study time to the success of Bill Cosby versus the many imitators that followed him. Most chose the heavy use of obscenities to try to mask their lack of talent, but what Bill demonstrated for decades is that if you choose your words carefully, you can get your message across even more effectively without swearing.

Not that I give a rat’s rectum of course, but I’m a “teaching nurse” so I’d be remiss if I didn’t pass on something it took me a bit longer than 14 years to learn…

Hey Tomblackwood

is that you in your avatar? heh

Re: Hey Tomblackwood

Yeah, the hospital I work at requires photo-ID badges. That’s my photo. I wasn’t feeling great that day…a lot of people tell me I’m cuter in real life. :wink:

Vice poetry squad to the rescue

Their fun was purely innocent
and never in their life
they’d ever start a family
till Jill was Jacks wife.

I hope that saved the minds of the impressionable middle aged men :smiley:


Nursey Rhyme? Try explaining to a little kid what a “plastic mac” is without making him cry, hah. But that was funny none the less.

Great Green Globs of Greasy Grimey Gopher Guts,
Mutiliated Monkey Meat,
Little Dirty Birdy Feet,
French Fried Eyeballs Rolling in a pool of gunk,
and i forgot my spoon!