funny FPS names

her is a thread for all your funny fps names
eg: "You killed an STD

i have a whole bunch of these

chairface…simply because its creative.


one of my favourites is “an Asian driver”

in halo “you were splatered by an asian driver”

Karma is a good name

I use Jesus.

Once I was playing a game with bots, and one of the bots names was Hamish. I killed him, and the combat text said ‘Jesus smoked Hamish’. It was pretty sweet.

Your mom is always a classic. “Mcnubbins killed your mom.” WHAT?!

my favourite is Fart gas

funny story

I was plays soilder of fourtune online and my name was AIDS and i spawned in side some guy (killing him) and it said " A butthole got to intamite with AIDS" I loled

“You were killed by a funny FPS name”

agangofkittens (one of my friends actually)

Ironclad Brick.
Cassive Mock.

That made me lol.

Yeah, when I finish buying parts for my bike, I’m going to buy a Cassive Mock shirt.

“You killed Kenny”

mine is AnOldCripple so if you suck thats your excuse and if your good then its a slap in the face i dont have a 360 yet:(
my friends YourExWife
another friend JAY LENOS CHIN
aShotInTheMouth was a friends a while ago but he changed it(from jay and silent bob)

Thanks for the spam, it helped me defecate.