FUNNY! (but rated R probably so beware!)

That would suck on a real date, but it is so funny!!


I’d hate to be that guy.
Actually, no, I’d WANT to be that guy. Have the girlfriend’s parents a-ok that on her front porch.

I’m supressing my want to click the link. so hard

Oh just go for it! :stuck_out_tongue:

thats an old one, but i still laugh everytime.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that’s hilarious

:astonished: Haa haha aha ha aha hhhaa:D thats the funny-est thing I’ve seen in a while

that vid is 5 years old.

that doesn’t mean it’s not funny. I’m still laughing:D

I hadn’t seen it before either. So it’s nre to me!:slight_smile:

i havent seen that before but it made me laugh. its gotta be the best mastercard ad ever.

Its actually a spoof.
The best one ever was not allowed to be aired on tv.
It went through a guitar shop with a 5 year old kid, listing the price’s of his first pick, and strap and stuff. Then when it got to guitar he picked it up by the end and smashed it over a chair, it was so funny.

how did you see it? is it on the internet?

Hell yeah… if his girl “had a headache” on a particular night, he could just go next door and have a turn with the little sister. Alllll-riiiight! Giggity giggity giggity…

Good stuff, I Lol’ed at that one.

Yeah, I downloaded it, I’ll see if I can find it and try to upload it somewhere.

Some people already have it on youtube.