Sorry everyone, but yes I rode bike today, it was my mom and I. We decided to ride to my grandmas house, which she says is 8 miles away. I thought it would be cool to ride the uni, but it would of been more concentration then I wanted. I hadn’t ridden bike too much lately, so it did seem ackward, besides that I think i’ve outgrown mine. I think it’s easier to pedal a unicycle, cause your legs are straighter, but I think riding uni so much has helped me pedal better on a bike, I dunno. Also the whole handle bar thing was a bit wobbly, hehe, how are you supposed to drink a soda when you gotta hold those things???
The ride was nice though, it seemed like it was on the verge of raining part way, but we only felt a few drops. I did like that we could coast at parts, although I think up the hills would of been just fine on a uni, but I don’t know if the 24 inch would of kept pace, it was still fun, and we made it to grandmas house in 1 and a half hours I think.
Oh yeah, the chain also came off at one part, i’d complain about all the moving parts, but I want to get a giraffe, so I can’t. I got it on easy enough, I think it needs to be tightened or something, it’s always had trouble shifting to certain gears, oh well.
never appoligize
never look back
if you did something that was fun that is all the reason to do it. If your riding 2 wheels or motorcross why should it matter? If you had a good time what is there to regret.
Isn’t it funny how unsafe your bike feels when you hop on it now? So many components waiting to snap off or fail, sending you over (or tangled into) the handlebars
and at 40 km/h
But once you get settled in on it, you remember why you took up mountainbiking in the first place…it’s so damn fun!
Although my bike doesn’t get near the attention as the uni, I will always have my bike…both have ad/disadvantages, and neither could replace the other completely
I’ve always used my bike a fair bit to get around town and suchlike, but I’ve recently started using it for random bike rides for fun, too. I have a 15 mile loop of hilly Somerset roads which I try to storm round as quickly as possible. I’ve done it five times now; I started at 1 hour 20 ish, my last time was 58 minutes.
Really going for it is an excellent way to let off some steam, get lots of exercise and have a hope in hell of keeping up with Des at BMW… I suspect it’s a better way to build up endurance than unicycling; on the bike I can be pushing myself all the way round, but I’ve never been able to do that on a uni for one reason or another.
Lincoln was easier, though. I never used anything but the large chainring up there because there aren’t any hills; down here there aren’t any flat bits, I’m using all three. 15 miles an hour has never been this difficult…
Ok ok, you’s are right, it was a fun time to spend with my mom. We’ll hopefully do it again sometime, either if we get the bikes back home, or to get the bikes back home, we’ll see.