I think you should just be greatful a vid is coming out (I noted the fact that that was an insult that i’m slow at putting out vids) I don’t have to help anyone with anything. Or invent flip trick after flip trick to appeal to the nonrider.
Also on the naming part of the tricks, when you can do them, the name memorizing gets really easy. I can easily tell you’re not into flips at all TheObieOne since your “sick” trick, made all the sense it needed. Keep in mind names change from seat in2in or out2in or whatever position, not the fact that you didn’t do a certain trick because of the way the seat was, that would have been called something else. Seat in back also, that’s just silly obie.
trey varial hickflip over an 8 set ummm… You really have to try harder, i’ve done that down an 11 set. Sorry.
-Shaun Johanneson
p.s. If you wanna throw down that trick i would call it inward big doubleflip. Enjoy! (Trey = 360unispincrankflip, Varial = Spinning the opposite way as the uni, those two = Inward Smallflip ‘That’s been done’, add the hickflip, one more extra flip and unispin= Inward big doubleflip.)
If a varial (or small spin if you will) is done with the uni and you spinning in opposite directions, then what is it if you both go the same way? IE, a 180 clockwise hoptwist with a 180 clockwise unispin.
if I could rename this thread it would be called “why Mike Clark hates street unicycling”. at everyone but obie, and no shaun he wasn’t insulting you, just illuding to how dumb it is to waste space on the forum with “new vid coming” threads.
OK, I am retarded, he spins counter-clockwise (you have to remember I was looking from downunder :p). You and Shaun are retarded too though coz the uni goes the same way. That’s a 180trey in my books, so there.
to be completely honest with you i dont know what a trey or a varial or an inward big small flip thingys are, i’ve got no clue at all so i’m just guessing pretty much.
that and i’m from downunder, so ya know i haven’t got much going for me
i’m assuming you were jumping off of something, because otherwise how could you do a crankflip then a unispin … nevermind i just got it. for a second there i thought you had to do a crankflip, then a unispin, but now i understand you can do them both at the same time.
but were you jumping off of something? just curious.
Well This was a great trick to go down in my driveway. I believe I was snackin on some apple sauce watching tv and I heard shaun SCREAMING (in the video) so I ran out. (You can see my on the lake side when is he saying “I finally got it” I run out on the deck. Little did i know a full varial had been thrown down. Saw the footage and it was nutty.
Wow this is getting crazy. Well first of all I didn’t say the uni was going the same direction (which it is but that is completely pointless) the unispin is my BLIND spin wiht varials. I’m spinning it my unnatural way when I varial, check any 720 vid out, it’s going the opposite direction with any unispin as the varial unispin, but it has my dominant twist direction. Get it? Not this same direction opposite direction stuff. I’m talking about dominance. In smallspins, the uni is spinning the dominant way, but the twist is BLIND! To me, it’s easy, i guess i’ve been around it for about a year now.
I’m sorry you hate street riding mike. But thank you for inventing the Crankflip, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be where I am now. But the naming is the same reason why I love street riding. Weird.
-Shaun Johanneson
p.s. I love you too Isaac. “Billy come get your sandwiches.”
Following skateboard logic it is a bigflip…
But then how do we differentiate a bigflip and fullvarialflip? And then hickflips/outflips? We could get rid of in/out but I doubt people all around would agree to that…
Oh, I just noticed the other day that Thibault spins his outflips blind… Crazy sick he can pull fifthoutdoubles that way.