Frog Jesus

A wonder story I think we can all learn from, young and old.

That might be offencive, but I tihnk it was great!

good one!!


Still an awesome story.

I thought I fixed that mistake, guess I turned the pc off early.

The film seems to imply that the dead frog stayed nailed to the branch – and stayed dead. What’s the afterstory??

Kids dye eggs all different colors?

It’s a poor analogy if you are comparing this frog story to Jesus’ story. In fact, it is verging on, if not actually, blasphemy.

I didn’t see it, but judging by the posts, rather than blasphemy, it’s humor.

-The act of showing contempt or lack of reverence for God.

I guess I’m actually guilty of that. Mostly it was for humor.

What if he picked the wrong, and the real Frog Jesus was in the back of the crowd thinking “Whew, that was a close one!”

I didn’t really find it either. Just seemed like an ambiguous art film to me.

That sounds kind of like the Muslim version of the Crucifixion.


Nice haha :smiley: Liked…

Well done…

I don’t think that god will be angry with that, maybe he would laugh, so I do… But it’s humor for me… Not more than that…

Not every Jesus joke is anti-Christian just as not every black person/mexican person/gay person/transgender person/woman person/Jewish person joke is anti-black person/mexican person/gay person/transgender person/woman person/Jewish person.