FrigiSlim Diet Ice

Finally, one company has made sufficient scientific advancements to provide us with a healthy alternative to ice.

Not really :), but check out the video I made about the company FrigiSlim and let me know what you guys think.




I salute you, very well made indeed

Dude, that is almost scary. I bet you someone will watch that and wonder how to make it a reality.

Not that long ago people laughed at the idea of bottled water…

In other words, very well done.

I really think its just a scam. Transfat in ice?

I’ll stick to my own ice haha.

Awesome edit though, the whole thing was nicely put together.

Haha, thanks for all the comments guys!

I really should patent the idea. The youtube video may go down for a brief period, but i’ll repost it.

ahahaha… Yeah… thats really funny…

Dude jason, thats crazy good made! Really cool lol. Pretty hilari-ice.


Loved it btw. Great job

I liked the guy near the beginning to tries the ice, makes a face, and then says it’s not so bad. Tastes maybe a little colder than regular ice. :slight_smile:

Reminds me of trips to the Soviet Union and China, where you didn’t want ice in your drink because you didn’t know where the ice came from. The only icy drink I got during my hot week in China (1993) was at the one-and-only McDonalds in Beijing. We only went there once!

Thanks guys! We’re looking into starting a website and getting some merchandise :slight_smile:

Just some constructive criticism: some shots weren’t mic’ed very well… it seemed like the subject’s voice was either muffled, or just softer than the voiceovers.

Other than that, I enjoyed the clip, thanks for sharing!

In Vietnam, you could tell the “good” ice from the bad. The good ice was cubed, while the bad ice was chipped off from a block. It was a real eye-opener to see how few people had access to electricity, let alone refrigeration.

I know, I know. That is partially the fault of the school’s wireless lavaliere that did not work and partially my fault. If I could do it again, I would’ve taken a few shots differently, thanks for the criticism though.

what did you do to make the girl cry?

Punched her in the ovaries.

Thanks for watching through all the credits! :). She was being a nuisance while we were filming that café shot, causing us to take multiple takes and continually asking if she could be in the video. We agreed to give her that “I love FrigiSlim!” shot…but when it came to her time, she became camera shy and ended up crying. ::sigh:: kids…

Oh it was a little girl. Ha, Im a dick. How many minutes in? I watched the whole thing but dont remember that.

you’re welcome haha kids these days :slight_smile:

Wow, that’s amazing!
Now I can drink cold things in my no-carb diet!
Uhul, no more just hot lemonades and coffe with no sugar
It made me so much happier!

Hahaha, loved it! Very well done!