Friday the 13th

Don’t go anywhere alone!

It’s a bonus year too: Next month (and November too) we get another, and that one’s on my BD to boot!

Spooooooky :astonished:

And by alone you better not mean with an extra wheel !!


More info:"]Even more bad news: 2009 is full of Friday the 13ths

Cool, I wont be alone. Ill be with my Uni tonight and My G/F all weekend :stuck_out_tongue:

Ha! I would rather be at the frigging party with 12 of my friends!

You can’t second-guess fate. Maybe just spending a quiet (and seemingly safe) day at home will do you in. You don’t go out and drive but then you fall down the stairs.

He’s right. Someone might stair-gate you right in your own home. Lethal.

Not necessarily. When I was a little kid, my brother was stair-gating me as we went up the stairs. I have absolutely no idea why (maybe I was doing something goofy), but I lost my balance and fell backwards. My brother caught me.

Turn it into a positive! :smiley:

Usually Fridays 13th’s are awesome for me… it’s like a lucky day! But today it wasn’t like that! I’m VERY sick! I got a fever and I spent the whole day in bed! That sucks!
Maybe fridays 13th are starting to work the way they should for me…

I’m not really superstitious. But for the sake of not being bored on a friday night, I’m probably going to be with people anyway.

i love fridays the 13th normally because it´s friday and weekend isn´t far away :smiley:

but today one of our teachers came and said: “You know, it´s friday the 13th and because of that, we are going to write a test today” we didn´t believed him at the beginning but he really wanted to write one. okey it wasn´t that bad because it was a technical drawing you can´t learn much for and we did very often, it was a hard one but makable (is that a word? makable? from make? i don´t think so but i think you know what i mean =)). :roll_eyes:

I like this one:

HAH Friday is the weekend for me! I purposely scheduled all my classes this semester so that I could have Fridays off. It’s a 3 day weekend every weekend!

cool!!! my sister has every 2nd week school on saturday,… :roll_eyes:
i had until last year, too but now i´m on an other school where i don´t have school on saturday :sunglasses:

btw today is friday the 13th and tomorrow is valentines day :smiley:

Oh man, school on Saturday would NOT be fun. I think I would die. And unfortunately, it seems my Friday the 13th bad luck is merely that no one wants to do anything today. Also, possibly that I have no one special to spend valentines day with.

there are only 4 45minutes lessons so it isn´t that bad…

visit me, i´ve nothing to do tomorrow, too :roll_eyes: :smiley:

Oh man, I’d give almost anything to go back to Germany! Too bad plane tickets are super expensive for my poor college budget.

Ah, you poor paraskavedekatriaphobists!

that means you´ve already been to germany?! where have you been?^^