French unicyclist in Iceland !

Hi every one !

I’m in Reykjavik for 6 months and I’ve got my 29er Muni, so I’m going to ride as soon as possible (aouhhhh there is a lot of snow right now :slight_smile: ) and looking for other people to practise my favorite sport…

I don’t think we are very numerous, but who knows…?

What about those who already went to Iceland? What did you do, where did you go to ride?


You should definitely keep trying to hop up onto the North Pole, and do a drop off it if you have bomb-proof hub and cranks.

Another cool MUni thing up there is hopping from glacier to glacier, but wear a life jacket in case you don’t get that pedal catch. A little polar bear repellant is useful too.

I think this belongs in Rec.Sport

I went there after Unicon IX in 1998 (with Gilby’s parents). We were there for three days I think, and didn’t unpack the unicycles because tape would have been too expensive there (Iceland joke). It was summer of course, so I don’t know what things look like there now, besides dark, but I imagine there is loads of open space to ride in, if you’re into MUni.

Caution: much of the landscape is very lumpy and convoluted. On lava it will be interesting to see how your tires hold up. On the lumpy stuff it’s possible to break ankles just walking, so take it easy.

Pictures, please!

I went there in 2002 as a student at the Uni of Iceland for month.

There is heaps of good riding…pick your volcano and take a hike…then ride back down.

Even just riding around Reykavik on a unicycle would be fun. I don’t know if this is a good time for it though.
