I’m trying to get some proficiency in French. Would anyone have any good french stories to recommend to the beginner? Preferably something simple. I’m looking at Harry Potter but I’m not entirely keen on re-reading something I’ve read before.
Does anyone have a favorite french book growing up?
I think my teacher recommended Le Petit Nicolas when I took formal lessons 2 or 3 years ago. Either that or she was refering to the film. Will do, thanks!
There are a number of collections of short stories out there like this this one. They have the original french along with the English translation.
They are not necessarily “easy” but they do offer the opportunity to read some original French literature. I am an on again off again learner of French and I prefer to read these than to read translations of English fiction. You get a sense not only of the language but also of French culture. Also with the English translation available you have the opportunity to compare not just the words used but also how the French structure sentences and ideas differently (and I mean more than just that they put their adjectives after the nouns.)
It’s fun and challenging. Also, I find that most decent Barnes & Noble or Borders stores have at least one or two of these types of collections.