french flatlanding new video

i do it for him , i present his new video

sponsored by kahero and keukly production

enjoy , dailymotion link

C`est un très bien video.

How long has he been riding? And how high can he jump?

Great video, nice riding! I really enjoy watching flatlanding.

he has rided 3 years i think, maybe less

he can hop 95 cm rollhop


I’m loving all the inovative crankroll tricks I’m seeing these days. The flip into crankroll (looked like he was sideways? Sidecrankroll? Sideroll?) was especially awesome!

Great music, best vid I’ve seen in a while.

I enjoyed the trials lines in it the most.
Great Job!

nice vid, fresh…

noticed in the creds the opening song wasnt credited.
its US by sweatshop union

sorry, im really into the ssu


Tres bon! Good vid indeed.

sympa la vidéo de Enzo
et beau gosse sympa le costard tu nous avez caché çà A+ ADRIEN:) :slight_smile:

very good video.
crankrolls were balla.
