hey im new here and i have been wondering can yo make a free wheeling unicycling cos it pisses me of because you cant free wheel like a normal bike.So any way cya
hey im new here and i have been wondering can yo make a free wheeling unicycling cos it pisses me of because you cant free wheel like a normal bike.So any way cya
yes it can try going here
swat has done it, it was in twnr, and you could just coast, cause you can go fast when your coasting if thats what you want.
Remove the front wheel from a bicycle and do a wheelie. It then becomes a “freewheeling unicycle”!
Get a BC wheel.
You can’t be serious. This is the 400000000000th thread about this topic. There have been 2 just this month about it.
It was done a while ago by like 3 or 4 people, and three or four people can ride one fluently, including myself on both accounts.
There is a video in my signature of me riding it, and Brian Mackenzie’s “Training Wheel Not Required” features a segment on the one I built.
Use the search feature.
Who do you think you are? harper?
hah hah hah.
but seriously, yeah. Use the search function, this is one of those times when it’s really needed.