Hey my friend made a really short video for the competition “Free the Bowl”
If you have a minute (literally a minute) then check it out. It’s really good (In my opinion).
So please watch it if you can and rate it if you think it’s good. Thanks
can i have my minute and one second back please
Well put-together, but pretty unrealistic. Consuming half a beer doesn’t inebriate one enough to mistakenly drive through a park, running over kids. Of course, I suppose one could assume that was the most recent of several alcoholic beverages the driver had consume so far.
Furthermore, it doesn’t really address freeing the superbowl from alcohol advertising, and is instead just another anti-alcohol ad. I feel somewhat inclined to support the “Free the Bowl” thing, but not this particular video, but my support would come from more of an anti-advertising (especially targeting children) position than the anti-alcohol position the video supports.
Free the bowl! Smoke joints.
Is that the origin of the “smoke a bowl” expression?
I love how he just rolls over the car
TIMBOB! Dude, are you still riding, havn’t see you for ages around here.
No way brahhh.
Conserve bud, go with bowls.
By all means though, free the bowl.
Free it of all organic plant matter?
It might refer to “freeing the bowl” from the body of a bong so you can take your hit.
What’s wrong with alcohol advertisements during the super bowl?
Do you know anyone who drinks more because of commercials? Maybe they drink more of the advertised brand, but not more beer.
Besides, aren’t those usually some of the best commercials?
How do you know this?
Oh. You don’t.
But I tend to agree. Banning alcohol advertising from the Superbowl only? What would that accomplish? It would be pretty hypocritical if it’s supposed to make a dent in beer advertising
Why such awesome commercials during the Superbowl? The air time is superbowl-expensive, so they spend more money on those, and often debut new ads or campaigns there.
Perhaps the title “Don’t drive drunk” would be better.
The message “Free the bowl” could mean different things.
- Make a law banning alcohol advertisements during the super bowl?
more laws. yuck. - A plea to the TV network to voluntarily remove these ads?
right. that’ll work.
Don’t stop drinking. Don’t stop driving. Don’t stop advertising. Don’t stop capitalism. Don’t stop freedom. Heck, don’t even stop getting drunk.
Just stop drunk driving.
Based on a billboard ad I once saw next to the road in Krugersdorp.
I’m not sure if the concept “getting motherless” translates internationally or if it’s just South African slang?
Doesn’t translate for U.S. centric me. It seems to mean getting really drunk. What’s the meaning behind it? Get so drunk you forget who your mother is?
I’m not sure of the exact origin of the expression, but yeah, to “get motherless” is to get exceedingly drunk.
Oh wow… I just interpreted it as the mother was killed by a drunk driver, leaving the child without a mother (motherless).