free mount tips

I just got a Torker LX 24" yesterday and have finally began to wobble my way around like 50’ or so. I can only sometimes free mount and I do it by pressing onto the left peddle so that it will lift up nd then I have to quickly put my other foot on the peddle. sometime the bike just rolls right behind me and I can’t get on. how should I do it?

Don’t say b*ke! You’ll upset them!

Is this your first unicycle? If it is you’re doing well to get 50 feet already.

It sounds like you’re going the right way about free mounting, it just takes a bit of practice. It can be frustrating, but when you get it it’s worth the effort.

For best results with the method you’re using, all you have to do is catch the right pedal after it comes over the top. You can even pull it back a bit, until the pedals are about level. If you do it right, this will put you off balance to the front, and your level pedal position will make it a piece of cake to start riding away. This is what we call a rollback mount.

For lots more discussion on this, search around on “freemount”.

do you know of any good videos showing mounts?


other link------->

the first mount is a rollback mount and the second one is a static mount

Videos of more skills:

Sounds just like when i was first trying!!!
Here’s what i now do, for a static mount
Put my left foot on left pedal (have those cranks below horizntal)
Then lean forwards until right foot leaves the ground and then plonk onto pedal and start riding.
Try leaning forwards + lotsa practice!!!

Sounds just like when i was first trying!!!
Here’s what i now do, for a static mount
Put my left foot on left pedal (have those cranks below horizntal)
Then lean forwards until right foot leaves the ground and then plonk onto pedal and start riding.
So, lean forwards + lotsa practice!!!

I learnt to free mount before I even learnt to ride (I didn’t know better) so you’re way better off already.

Try learning on the grass. That way, you get a rough feel of how much weight to put on the pedals and how much to propel yourself forward without having the pedals swing back and hit you.

Also, you might find it useful to practise just stepping up the uni with your stronger foot and letting yourself have that few seconds of balance before you’ve to fall off backwards or forwards without ever landing your other foot. This helped me a lot in building the confidence and control to land my other foot properly without rushing.

Alright, if you’re looking at the wheel, think of it like a clock…top is 12, bottom is 6…there’s two main ways that most people start freemounting…one is the 12 and 6 o’clock, the other is the 3 and 9 o’clock.

for the 12-6 method, the pedal for your dominant foot is pointing straight down at the ground, and the other is pointing up…put your strong foot on the bottom pedal, step on, and go.

For the 3-9 method, the pedals should be horizontal, with your strong foot back. You have to step onto the back pedal, putting as little weight on it as possible, and step to the front pedal quickly, and ride away.

The 12-6 method (which i learned with), is easier to get on, but requires more strength to ride away with, because you have to work against gravity.

The 3-9 method, is harder to get on, because it requires a little more balance, but you can ride away a lot easier, because gravity helps you push the pedal down. You can also use it for mounting into stalls and jumps.

Personally, I’d recommend learning with the 12-6 method.

Hope I helped, PM me if you have any questions.