Fred is dead. Long live Fred!

It’s a sad day in the Neighborhood.


very sad day

A friend and I will be doing a tribute to him in the middle of class by singing Kansas- Dust in the Wind.
Mr Rogers, you’re my BOY!

Fred, you’ve Always been my special friend!

Have a good trip to the neighborhood in the sky!

At least mr McFeelly still lives in my neighbor hood. Mr Rogers actually used to reside a few blocks from my house. The show was also filmed at the local PBS station for years down the street from me.

Its deffenattly a sad day.


i knew that he lived in P-burg,i was waiting for your responce to this loss.

he was truly in your neighborhood…

i was a latch key kid and in many ways Mr.Rogers was my rock to hang on to in a sea of despair…

I grew up watching Mister Rogers’ too. According to my mom it was my favorite show when I was young. I still remember being absolutely fascinated by the factory visits. The visit to the pretzel factory still sticks in my mind even though I haven’t seen it in probably 30 years.

Take a little visit to Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood on the web
You can listen to some of the songs there, take a factory visit, and visit the land of make-believe. What fun!

Goodbye friend.

Fred is dead. Long live Fred!

I grew up watching MisterRogers, and literally lived in his neighborhood, too!
I’m proud to say that my protege has been one of the set painters on The Neighborhood for the past 10 years.

Trivia Fact: Michael Keaton got his “big start” in show biz running the Trolley… way back in the early '80s.

Thanks for Everything, Fred!

Lady Elaine Fairchild, my condolences!

I used to watch Mr. Rogers every day after kindergarten. (Along with Lambchop’s Sing Along and Shiny Time Station). Anyway, the factory tours were always my favorite part. I remember one where they showed the factory that made sweaters like the ones he always wore. That was cool how he’d put a video in the wall and then the picture would show up in the picture frame. At least I think that’s what he did.

It is very sad that he died. :frowning:


“We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say ‘It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.”—Fred Rogers 1926-2003.