One day I’ll control the weather and we’ll see how many day’s its 1’ (F) outside with snow on only the stuff I want to ride on. I’ll get you someday weather man someday.
i find if you write over the weathermans forecast with permanent markers on the screen it will indeed change the weather and if you have a blue one you can draw little suns to make it nice outside. But you have to make sure it dries for it to work.
Sounds great! Today it was at least 35 © which wouldn’t be so bad but it was ridiculously humid…so naturally Tony and I went unicycling at midday.
we’ll only get to about 27(C)
just another crappy day in the southern hemisphere…
For the last week we’ve been between -27 and -39 ©. Now THAT’s cold. Good news though… we’ve got a chinook comin through for the next few days. Already we’re up to -15 ©. And it’s just gonna keep getting warmer. The cold’s been keeping me off my uni and I don’t like it!
edit: so you all know what I’m talking about… a chinook is a warm wind that occurs (from what I understand) only in this part of the world. To help you get the idea of what I mean when I say warm, I mean in 2 days we could go from -40°C all the way up to 10°C. And to give you an idea of the kind of wind, the gusts can be strong enough to blow cars off the road and topple semis (although on average the gusts only get that strong once or twice a year). The good part is it usually melts all the snow so I can get out on my uni again!!
yikes your right there! i thought -2 was cold let alone -27! and -39 well i’m cold just thinkg about it!
The Chinook Wind is the Rocky Mountain name for a Foehn Wind.
Foehn: A warm dry wind on the lee side of a mountain range, whose temperature is increased as the wind descends down the slope. It is created when air flows downhill from a high elevation, raising the temperature by adiabatic compression. Examples include the Chinook wind and the Santa Ana wind. Classified as a katabatic wind. (Weather Channel Glossary)
Chinook: A type of foehn wind. Refers to the warm downslope wind in the Rocky Mountains that may occur after an intense cold spell when the temperature could rise by 20 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit in a matter of minutes. Also known as the Snow Eater. (Weather Channel Glossary)
Here is a list of names for various Foehn Winds.
-39 is way too cold.
oh… yeah? well… um… it’s negative… umm… a billion… here, so, um. I win.
Good try Wonka, but we no it can’t be too cold or all the chocolate in your factory would melt and no one likes frozen chocolate…,
Interesting… I’ll remember that. Our chinook stopped already. It’s still cold. But they’re forecasting warmer weather for the weekend! Unfortunately, weather changes around here so fast that forecasts don’t usually hold very well. Here’s hoping!
I crashed my chinook and my fourhens died in a freak accident with a tooth brush, it was saddening, I almost thought of a way to think of a way to finally up and bury them.
Edit: I changed forhens to fourhens cause I thought some people coughXWonka,GILD, tomblackwood, ObieOne, treepotato, checkernuts, andrew_carter, Rowan, HandyAndy, Jochem, Sofa, Daino, djm, paco, jagur, chiro, gerble, James_Pottercough might not get it… you know who you are!!
what did u go and do that four?
I feel honored that my name does not appear on that list. I guess that means that I share the same intelligence level as ITEMNO530 and he has been observant of that fact. Sorry to those who did appear on that list, but not everybody has been gifted with this level of intelligence!
why am I on that list? I have always been a faithful crusader in the war against pointing out spelling mistakes. Ohh… those people who piont out typos just to sound cool/professional and even to belittle others. I’ll make them all pay