hi got a kh 24 now iv started doing small jumps the frame is getting scrached when i dont make it is there anything i can stick on the fok legs to protect them and how do i free mount uphill thanks
If you are really worried you can probably use chainstay protectors, either the stick on or wrap around kind. I really wouldn’t worry about it though.
Do a jump mount to mount uphill, or static mount sideways to the hill and hop-twist to get started.
edit: and you can put this kind of unicycle related stuff in the Rec. Sport Unicycling section. You get more valid answers that way and less bubble wrap.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with having a worn unicycle paint job. It shows others that you actually do stuff with it besides just riding around. I figure its like scars. The bigger the scrape/scratch the bigger the story.
try some lizzard skins http://www.evanscycles.com/products/lizard-skins/clear-chainstay-protector-and-patches-ec006897?query=lizard skins
or push a old inner tube round the forks and throw some tape round that
or just wrap some electrical tape around the forks
I walked away before submitting this, so some of the previous posts already say what I actually said before them…
A MUni should have that beat-up look (and some dried mud). [real answer: I don’t know…]
Mount crossways to the hill, then hop around to face uphill, then go. A static mount will help you IMMENSELY. A rolling mount is usually no good on a trail. If you can’t hop or mount with either foot forward, then you should at least have a matched pair. I both mount and hop with my right foot forward. That way, you can static mount right into a hop or a still-stand. Great for mounting on bumpy ground or on top of an obstacle like a boulder or fallen tree.
thanks for your help i was saving the buble wrap for my shins on the mount side iv lernt watching youtube so i now mount left foot first and hop left foot foward so need one turn to get hopping which is strange as im right handed i suppose the answer is lern to hop right foot forward
Be proud of your scratches and dings! They show that you are riding it!